A 200 meter long train passes through a tunnel at a speed of 4 meters per second for 240 seconds. How long is the tunnel? Calculation problem: a 200m long train passes through a tunnel at the speed of 4m / s for 240 seconds. How long is the tunnel? [write down the process as required

A 200 meter long train passes through a tunnel at a speed of 4 meters per second for 240 seconds. How long is the tunnel? Calculation problem: a 200m long train passes through a tunnel at the speed of 4m / s for 240 seconds. How long is the tunnel? [write down the process as required

Hehe ~ super classic question···
The length of the tunnel is XM. It takes 240s from the locomotive entering the tunnel to the tail of the train leaving the tunnel. According to the meaning of the topic, it is obtained
Remember x = 760m
Answer: the tunnel is 760m long
PS: should this explanation be understandable? I hope it can help you

A train is 200 meters long. It takes 2 minutes to pass through a 1000 meter tunnel at a uniform speed. What is the average speed of the train

200+1000=1200 2min=120s 1200/120=10m/s

A train is 200 meters long and passes through a 1000 meter long tunnel at a speed of 20 meters per second. How long does it take for the train to pass through the tunnel completely?

Let the time for the train to pass through the tunnel completely be x seconds
A: it takes 60 seconds for the train to pass through the tunnel completely
The meaning of the train leaving the tunnel completely means that the locomotive enters the tunnel and the tail of the train leaves the tunnel completely
Through the line segment diagram, we can know that the distance traveled by the train is the sum of the length of the tunnel + the length of the train itself

A train is 200 meters long. It passes through a 1000 meter long tunnel and takes 100s. What is the speed of the train? How many seconds does it take him to pass 400 meters at this speed?

t=(200+400)/12=50 s

A 200m long train runs at a constant speed. The whole train passes through a 1000m tunnel in 80 seconds. The speed of this train is m \ s A 200m long train runs at a constant speed. It takes 80 seconds for the whole train to pass through a 1000m tunnel. The speed of this train is m \ S. at the same speed, the whole train passes through a 700m long iron bridge. The time is

Train speed: (200 + 1000) ÷ 80 = 15 (m \ s)
Required time: (200 + 700) ÷ 15 = 60 (s)

Zhan Tianyou finished the main railway line excellently~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zhan Tianyou has done an excellent job in surveying the main railway lines