The railway passes near Qinglong bridge, and the slope is very large. How can the train climb such a steep slope? What rhetorical devices are used

The railway passes near Qinglong bridge, and the slope is very large. How can the train climb such a steep slope? What rhetorical devices are used

Rhetorical devices? Is it a technical problem or a literary problem? If it is technically, in order to prevent slope stop accidents, we generally accelerate in advance, reserve enough kinetic energy, and adopt the control method of first breaking and then climbing, and the combination of breaking and climbing. However, this is for freight trains. For passenger trains, generally, the traction weight is small and the speed is high, so we don't need to consider so much
We define the long ramp as follows: the slope of the line exceeds 6 ‰ and the length is 8km or more; The gradient of the line exceeds 12 ‰ and the length is 5km or more; The gradient of the line exceeds 20 ‰ and the length is 2km or more
As for literature, the rhetorical device of asking questions is used!

The railway passes near qiqinglong bridge, and the slope is very large. The train can't climb such a steep slope?

The railway passes near qiqinglong bridge, and the slope is very large. Can the train climb such a steep slope?

On the double track railway, there are two trains running in opposite directions, both of which are 250m long. The speed of the fast train is 60km / h and the speed of the slow train is 40km / h. then the elapsed time from the front to the rear of the two trains is () seconds

(250 * 2 / 1000) / (60 + 40) = 18 seconds

There are two trains on the double track railway, both 250 meters long, They drive relatively at the same speed (45 km / h). How many seconds does it take from the front of the two cars to the rear of the two cars?

45km/h=12.5m/s (45/3.6)
relative motion
One of them is stationary and the other is walking 250 * 2 = 500m at the speed of 25m / s

A. B the two trains run in the same double track railway at a constant speed of 120km / h. The length of the two trains is 200m. How long does it take for the two trains to meet at the front and leave at the rear? Ask for detailed explanation

Taking a as a reference, b v = 240km / h and B moved 400m, so t = 6S

A train completely passes through a 1100m long iron bridge at the speed of 54km / h, taking 1min 20s. Find the length of the train

By V = s
T is the total distance traveled by the train:
s=vt=15m/s × 80s=1200m,
The length of the train is l car = S-L bridge = 1200m-1100m = 100m
A: the length of this train is 100m