When did Zhan Tianyou build the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway

When did Zhan Tianyou build the Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway

The two upstairs misunderstood
The fifth paragraph describes Zhan Tianyou's construction of Juyongguan tunnel and Badaling tunnel of Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway

How many parts is Zhan Tianyou's text divided into? (Grade 6 Volume 1)

Part 1 (paragraph 1) summarizes Zhan Tianyou's main contributions
The second part (Paragraphs 2 to 3) describes the background of Zhan Tianyou's appointment as chief engineer and the different reactions at home and abroad
Part 3 (sections 4 to 6) tells the process of Zhan Tianyou's construction of Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway
Part 4 (sections 7 ~ 8) tells about the completion of Beijing Zhangjiakou Railway two years ahead of schedule and the memory and praise of Zhan Tian by Chinese and foreign people
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Zhan Tianyou text content It's a text, not a teaching reference, or: the swallow has gone, and it's time to come

Zhan Tianyou is an outstanding patriotic Engineer in China. The railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou was first successfully built under his auspices. It is the first railway trunk line designed and constructed by Chinese engineers and technicians
The railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou is 200 kilometers long and is an important traffic road connecting North China and Northwest China. At that time, as soon as the Qing government put forward the construction plan, some imperialist countries came out to obstruct it. They all wanted to compete for the construction right of the railway and wanted to further control the north of China. The imperialists refused to let anyone, They thought that with such a threat, the railway could not start, and finally had to turn to them. The imperialists were completely wrong. China had its own engineers at that time, and Zhan Tianyou was one of them
In 1905, the Qing government appointed Zhan Tianyou as the chief engineer to build the railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou. As soon as the news came out, the whole country was a sensation. Everyone said that this time we could argue. The imperialists thought it was a joke. A foreign newspaper said contemptuously: "the Chinese engineer who can build the railway north of Nankou has not yet been born." It turns out that from Nankou to the north, there are high mountains, deep streams and cliffs all the way from Juyongguan to Badaling. They think that such a difficult project is not easy for famous engineers in various countries to try. As for the Chinese, they can't complete it anyway
Zhan Tianyou was not afraid of difficulties or ridicule. He resolutely accepted the task and immediately began to survey the route. Where to open a mountain, where to build a bridge, where to level the steep slope, and where to reduce the curvature, he had to go through survey and careful calculation. Zhan Tianyou often encouraged the staff to say, "our work should first be precise, not a little careless." he personally took the students and workers and carried the benchmark, Carrying a theodolite on his back, he fixed a point on the cliff and mapped. Outside the Great Wall, the wind often howled, the yellow sand filled the sky, and he was in danger of falling into a deep valley. No matter how bad the conditions were, Zhan Tianyou always insisted on working in the field. During the day, he climbed mountains and mountains, surveyed the route, and at night, he drew and calculated under an oil lamp. In order to find a suitable route, he often consulted local farmers. When he encountered difficulties, He always thought: This is the first railway built by the Chinese themselves. We must repair it; Otherwise, it will not only make foreigners laugh, but also make Chinese engineers lose confidence
The railway had to go through many high mountains and had to dig tunnels, of which Juyongguan and Badaling tunnels were the most arduous. Juyongguan was high and the rock stratum was thick. Zhan Tianyou decided to dig from both ends to the middle at the same time. The spring on the top of the mountain seeped down and the tunnel was full of mud. There was no water pump on the construction site, so Zhan Tianyou took the lead in carrying buckets to drain water. He often ate and lived with the workers, Don't leave the construction site. Badaling tunnel is more than 1100 meters long, three times as long as Juyongguan tunnel. He discussed with the old workers and decided to adopt the middle shaft sinking method. First dig a shaft from the top of the mountain, and then dig at both ends. Both ends are also constructed at the same time, shortening the construction period by half
The railway passes near Qinglong bridge, and the slope is very large. How can the train climb such a steep slope? Zhan Tianyou designed a "herringbone" line along the mountain. When the train going north reaches Nankou, it uses two locomotives, one pulling in front and the other pushing behind. When it crosses Qinglong bridge, the train advances to the northeast, and when it crosses the fork of the "herringbone" line, it reverses. The original pushing locomotive pulls and the original pulling locomotive pushes, making the train turn to the northwest. In this way, It's much easier for the train to go up the mountain
The railway was completed in less than four years, two years earlier than the original plan. This incident gave a powerful counterattack to the imperialists who despised China. Today, when we take a train to Badaling and cross Qinglongqiao station, we can see a bronze statue, Zhan Tianyou. Many foreign guests visiting China are amazed at the great project left by Zhan Tianyou

How can a train climb such a steep slope? Zhan Tianyou designed a herringbone line along the mountain What rhetorical device is used in this sentence (two sentences combined)?

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The railway passes through Qinglong bridge. The slope is very large. How can the train climb such a steep slope? Zhan Tianyou designed a humanoid line to imitate sentences along the mountain

Add a locomotive, increase the power, and then use the "herringbone" line

How can the train climb such a steep slope? Zhan Tianyou's expression effect along the mountain "Highlighting Zhan Tianyou's excellence and intelligence" is wrong! Better answer today!

Highlight Zhan Tianyou's courage to innovate
(my teacher taught it like this, hope to adopt it, thank you!)