The maximum speed of an automobile with a rated power of 80kW on a straight highway is 20m / s, and the mass of the automobile is 2 × 103kg. If the vehicle moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration from standstill, the acceleration is 2m / S2, and the resistance remains unchanged during the movement, try: (1) What is the constant resistance of the car? (2) How long does it take to move in a straight line with uniform acceleration?

The maximum speed of an automobile with a rated power of 80kW on a straight highway is 20m / s, and the mass of the automobile is 2 × 103kg. If the vehicle moves in a straight line with uniform acceleration from standstill, the acceleration is 2m / S2, and the resistance remains unchanged during the movement, try: (1) What is the constant resistance of the car? (2) How long does it take to move in a straight line with uniform acceleration?

(1) When the resistance is equal to the traction force and the maximum speed of the vehicle is VM = PF, there are: F = PVM = 8000020 = 4000N; (2) According to Newton's second law: f-f = Ma; The solution is: F = ma + F = 2000 × The maximum speed of 2 + 4000 = 8000n uniform acceleration is: v = pf = 800000 = 10m / s, so uniform acceleration

When a car with M = 2.0 * 10 cubic kg is driving on a horizontal highway and passing a curve with radius r = 50m, if the speed v = 72km / h, will the car slip? (it is known that the maximum static friction force between tire and road surface Fmax = 1.4 * 10 to the fourth power n)

Centrifugal force calculation formula: F = m * V * V / r = 2000 * 20 * 20 / 50 = 16000n
I'll tell you the maximum static friction. Plus the car has at least four tires multiplied by four, which is equal to 560000n, which is much greater than the centrifugal force. It won't sideslip. Unless your car has a tire, it will sideslip!
If it is a multiple-choice question, choose "no sideslip" after reading the topic. If you want a radius of 50m, it is 100m in diameter, that is, a route drawn in a circle with a 100m race track. A car will not sideslip on asphalt or cement pavement at 72km / h, unless it is on ice!

A vehicle with a mass of 2000kg runs on a horizontal highway with a rated power P = 60000w, and the resistance of the vehicle is constant At a certain time, the speed of the vehicle is 20m / s, the acceleration is 0.5m/s2, and G is taken as 10m / S2 (1) Seeking resistance (2) The maximum speed a car can reach (3) What is the acceleration when the speed is 10m / S (4) If the vehicle does not run at rated power, but starts to do a = 1m / S2 uniformly accelerated linear motion from standstill, how long can this process be maintained

(1) F is the power, f is the resistance, P = f * V, f = P / v = 60000 / 20 = 3000nf-f = ma 3000-f = 2000 * 0.5 f = 2000N (2) when f = f, a is 0 and the speed is the maximum. Because f is constant at 2000N, f = F = 2000N, v = P / F = 60000 / 2000 = 30m / S (3) when V is 10m / s, f = P / v = 60000 / 10 = 6000nf-f = ma 6000-2000 = 2

A vehicle with a mass of 2000kg started from standstill, drove 50m on the road, and the speed increased to 36km / h, Suppose the traction force of the vehicle is 7200n, find (1) how much work does the traction force F do? (2) How much power can the car increase? (3) What is the resistance of the car? (kinetic energy theorem)

17200x50,2,1 / 2x2000x (10) square, 3, first find a = 5, (f traction - f resistance) = ma

When a vehicle with M = 2.0 * 10 ^ 3kg is driving on a horizontal highway and passing a curve with radius r = 50m What is the maximum speed allowed? Known maximum static friction between tire and road surface Fmax = 1.4 * 10 ^ n

The centripetal force formula is f = (MV ^ 2) / r = MRW ^ 2,
To drive safely, the centripetal force needs to be less than the friction force so that it will not be thrown out
Therefore, it is known that f = (MV ^ 2) / r = MRW ^ 2

The mass is 1.0 × The freight car with the 6th power kg of 10 runs on the horizontal track. After 50s, the speed increases from 72km / h to 144km / h. It is assumed that the resistance of the train is 0.01 times, calculate the traction force of the locomotive. (G is taken as 10m / S2)

Then acceleration a= Δ v/ Δ t=(40-20)/50=0.4m/s^2
Set the traction force as F and the resistance f = 0.01mg = 10 ^ 5N
That is, the traction force is 5 * 10 ^ 5N