Can potatoes specially made for potato planting eat I ate specially made green potatoes. Does it affect my health

Can potatoes specially made for potato planting eat I ate specially made green potatoes. Does it affect my health

Pro, without potatoes, you can only grow and can't eat. Even potatoes specially cultivated and planted are potatoes. They can be eaten as long as they don't germinate

A box of potatoes on the turntable at an angular speed with the turntable ω Make a uniform circular motion. If the mass of one potato in the middle is m (which can be regarded as a particle) and the distance from it to the rotating axis is r, the force of other potatoes on the potato is () A. m2g2+m2 ω 4R2 B. m ω 2R C. mg D. m2g2−m2 ω 4R2

Potatoes move in a uniform circular motion, and the resultant force provides centripetal force, which is affected by gravity and elasticity. According to Newton's second law and centripetal force formula, there are:
Horizontal direction: FX = m ω 2R,
Vertical direction: FY = mg;
Therefore, the resultant force is: F=
m2g2+m2 ω 4R2.
Therefore: a

Turntable game exercises In a promotion, in order to attract customers, a shopping mall set up a turntable, which was divided into 16 parts. For every 100 yuan of purchasing power, turn it once, align it with the red, yellow and green areas, and get a bonus of 50 yuan, 30 yuan and 20 yuan. What is the average number of shopping vouchers obtained by turning it once?


(1 / 2) there is an amusement project called flying chair. One end of the L-long steel rope is tied to the chair, and the other end is fixed at the edge of the horizontal turntable with radius R. the turntable can (1 / 2) there is an amusement project called flying chair. One end of the L-long steel rope is tied to the chair, and the other end is fixed at the edge of the horizontal turntable with radius R. the turntable can rotate around the vertical axis passing through its center. When the turntable is at angular speed W

Set rotating angular speed of rotary table ω When, the included angle is θ
Distance from seat to central axis: r = R + LSIn θ
Seat analysis: FN = mgtan θ= mR ω²
Simultaneous two formulas ω= [gtan θ/ (r+Lsin θ)]^ 1/2

There is an amusement project called "flying chair". The schematic diagram is shown in the figure. One end of the L-long steel rope is tied with a seat with a mass of M (which can be regarded as a particle), and the other end is fixed at the edge of the horizontal rotary table with radius R. the rotary table can rotate around the vertical axis passing through its center. When the rotary table rotates at a uniform speed, the steel rope and the rotary axis are in the same vertical plane, and the included angle with the vertical direction is θ, Regardless of the gravity of the steel rope, find: (1) The centripetal force required by the seat; (2) The angular speed at which the rotary table rotates

Set the rotating angular speed of the rotary table as ω When, the included angle is θ, Distance from seat to central axis: r = R + LSIn θ       ① For seat analysis: F Center = mgtan θ= mR ω 2 ② simultaneous two type    have to ω= gtan θ r+Lsin θ, Answer: (1) the centripetal force required by the seat

Rotate the rotary table at a uniform speed (angular velocity W) and a particle moves at v0 to calculate the instantaneous acceleration Should V0 be decomposed into radial and tangential directions first? V in the centripetal acceleration a = V ^ 2 / R is the superposition of WR and the tangential part of V0, while the tangential acceleration is the Coriolis acceleration, that is, 2V multiplied by the radial part of V0? Is there anything wrong with this? V0 direction is arbitrary! Please read the questions. I asked if it was wrong to do so.

The tangential acceleration is Coriolis acceleration, i.e. 2V times the radial part of v0. I don't understand the description. How does 2V come out?