Are the objects on the horizontal conveyor belt subject to friction The conveyor belt is horizontal with an object moving forward at a uniform speed. Is this object subject to friction? If it's moving from rest to uniform speed, is there friction

Are the objects on the horizontal conveyor belt subject to friction The conveyor belt is horizontal with an object moving forward at a uniform speed. Is this object subject to friction? If it's moving from rest to uniform speed, is there friction

The necessary condition for the generation of friction is that there is a relative movement trend between objects. If there is no relative transportation trend, there will be no friction. When moving at a uniform speed, the speed of the object and the conveyor belt is the same, and there is no relative movement trend, so there is no friction between the two. If it is from static to uniform speed, the object will naturally be subjected to friction, and the object will get acceleration by friction, Until it accelerates to the same speed as the conveyor belt

How to judge the friction force on the object on the conveyor belt?

When the object is placed on the conveyor belt moving at a uniform speed with an initial speed of 0, it moves backward relative to the conveyor belt, so it moves forward by friction. After the object accelerates to the same speed as the conveyor belt, it is stationary relative to the conveyor belt, so it moves at a uniform speed with the belt without friction

The object placed on the conveyor belt remains relatively stationary with the conveyor belt. Is it subject to friction

1. Just put it on, it is subject to friction, and the direction is the same as that of the transfer belt
2. When the speed is equal to that of the conveyor belt, the combined external force is zero
If it is subjected to friction, it must have a traction
It can be seen from the subject conditions that such a traction force does not exist
Therefore, it is not affected by friction

Why is the object subject to forward friction when it is first placed on the conveyor belt

To be exact, it should be why the object is subjected to forward friction when it has nowhere to go. Because the conveyor belt is moving forward and the object remains stationary due to inertia, it tends to move backward relative to the conveyor belt, so it will be subject to forward friction. Similarly, as long as the initial speed of the object is less than the speed of the conveyor belt

Why is the friction force on the conveyor belt along the speed direction of the conveyor belt?

The object is placed on the conveyor belt, the conveyor belt moves forward relative to the object, and the object moves backward relative to the conveyor belt, so it receives a forward friction, which provides the power for the object to move forward

The horizontal disc rotates at a uniform speed around the central axis. On the disc are... Two small objects a and B, which rotate with the disc. Their masses are M1 and M2 respectively, and the distances from the rotating shaft are R1 and R2 respectively, and R1 > R2. The friction coefficient between the two objects and the disc is the same, and their static friction forces are F1 and F2 respectively. The following statement is correct: A. The static friction force of two objects moves in their respective directions B. The friction force on both objects points to the center o C. F2 must be greater than F1 D. Increase the speed, and the object B starts to slide first Pure hand, fingers numb ~

Positive answer B
Static friction provides centripetal force a wrong b right
f=m ω^ 2R C cannot determine C error
along with ω Increase F and a to reach the maximum static friction first and slip first