Why can the direction of friction be perpendicular to the direction of motion of an object?

Why can the direction of friction be perpendicular to the direction of motion of an object?

The direction of friction is opposite to the relative motion direction of the object, so as long as one object is relatively perpendicular to the direction of the other object, the friction will be perpendicular to the other object. For example, when a car turns, it will have friction in the vertical direction of the corner to provide its centripetal force. If it is too small, the car will slip,

Why can the direction of friction be perpendicular to the direction of object motion

For example, for an object moving in a uniform circular motion with a rough disk, the direction of the friction force is outward along the diameter, while the speed is perpendicular to the diameter,
That is, the direction of friction is perpendicular to the direction of velocity

Will the direction of motion of the object be perpendicular to the direction of sliding friction? If so, please give an accurate example

The wood block moves in a uniform circular motion with the turntable. The wood block also has a linear velocity along the tangential direction of the circumference, and the linear velocity of the wood block and the turntable is the same. In this direction, they do not have a relative movement trend. The movement trend of the wood block relative to the table surface is not along the tangential direction, but outward along the radius, so the friction between the object and the table surface points to the center of the circle along the radial direction, Perpendicular to the direction of motion of the object

Under what circumstances is sliding friction the same as the direction of motion of an object? Note that it is sliding friction, not static friction

The object is stationary and placed on the moving conveyor belt. The conveyor brings the object a sliding friction to make the object move. Before the speed of the object is the same as that of the conveyor belt, the object is left relative to the conveyor belt and right relative to the ground. At this time, the sliding friction is right (at this time, the ground is selected as the reference system)

Under what circumstances is the direction of friction the same as the direction of motion of an object

When you walk, when you ride a bicycle, when the car is driving. For example, when you walk, your toes are forced backward. At this time, there is a backward relative movement trend between your toes and the ground, and the friction is always opposite to the movement direction or movement trend on the contact surface, so the reaction force of the ground to your toes

Under what circumstances may the sliding friction force be in the same direction as the motion of the object?

When people walk, the friction with the ground and the direction of people's movement are consistent