The centripetal force of an object in uniform circular motion is a constant force, right?

The centripetal force of an object in uniform circular motion is a constant force, right?

Not constant force
Because the direction of the force has changed

Can an object in uniform circular motion be said to be affected by centripetal force? Can we say that the object in circular motion is acted by centripetal force?

No centripetal force is provided to him by other objects

As long as a body is subjected to a centripetal force, the body moves in a uniform circular motion Is that right?

No, it may be circular motion under the action of centripetal force, but the speed is not necessarily constant, so it is not necessarily uniform

Centripetal force is the resultant force on a circular object, right

No, it should be said that the centripetal force is the resultant force on an object moving in a circular motion at a uniform speed

The resultant force on an object in circular motion must be centripetal force Why is this sentence wrong

Not necessarily, if it is a uniform circular motion, the resultant force on the object is a centripetal force;
If it is a variable speed circular motion, it is subject to a tangential component in addition to the centripetal force

[physics, uniform circular motion] why? If an object moves in a uniform circular motion, its centripetal force is the resultant force Tell me why? 1. If an object moves in a uniform circular motion, its centripetal force is the resultant force 2. The resultant force of all forces on a circular object must be centripetal force

1. We use a lot of theories and facts to prove that when an object moves in a uniform circular motion, the acceleration points to the center of the circle and the resultant force points to the center of the circle. Because this resultant force always points to the center of the circle, we also refer to the resultant force at this time as "centripetal force" in effect. Therefore, the centripetal force is not a new force, but only the effect of the resultant force at this time. The first sentence is right
2. The resultant force of uniform circular motion must point to the center of the circle. But the resultant force of general circular motion does not necessarily point to the center of the circle. So the second sentence is wrong. At this time, the centripetal force is only part of the resultant force