Arc length equals________ The central angle of the circle opposite the arc of is called the angle of 1 radian

Arc length equals________ The central angle of the circle opposite the arc of is called the angle of 1 radian

Arc length equals radius

What are the two concepts of radian and arc length? What are the similarities or differences?

In mathematics and physics, radian is a measure of angle. It is a unit derived from the international system of units, abbreviated as rad
Definition: the center angle of an arc whose arc length is equal to the radius of the circle is 1 radian
According to the definition, the radian number of a cycle is 2 π R / r = 2 π, and 360 ° angle = 2 π radian. Therefore, 1 radian is about 57.3 °, i.e. 57 ° 17'44.806 '', 1 ° is π / 180 radian, the approximate value is 0.01745 radian, the circumference is 2 π radian, the flat angle (i.e. 180 ° angle) is π radian, and the right angle is π / 2 radian
Definition of arc length
The length of an arc passing two points on a circle is called the arc length
[edit this paragraph] calculation formula of arc length
Arc length formula: arc length= θ* r , θ Is radian R is radius
L = n π R ÷ 180 or L = n / 180 · π R
In a circle with radius r, since the arc length corresponding to the center angle of 360 ° is equal to the circumference length C = 2 π R, the arc length corresponding to the center angle of n ° is L = n π R ÷ 180

Derivation of arc length arc length = arc angle * radius r Arc length = arc angle * radius r How to deduce this formula? ..

Arc length L, arc angle α, Radius r
Perimeter C = 2 π R
Because the center angle of the arc is α, The total center angle is 2 π
Therefore, the arc length of the arc accounts for 20% of the circumference of the circle α/ 2π
So l=( α/ 2π)xC
=( α/ 2π)2πR
= α R
Namely: arc length = arc angle × Radius r
I added some arguments,
I sincerely hope I can help you;

How to calculate the arc length from radians?

Arc length = radians × Radius, note that the radian unit here should not be in degrees, but in radians

What is vector DC plus vector CD

Let the vector DC be (x, y)
Then the vector CD is (- x, - y)
So vector DC plus vector CD = (x-x, Y-Y) = (0,0)
So vector DC plus vector CD equals zero vector

Vector AB = (a, b) CD = (C, d), then the product of vector AB and vector CD is equal to?

Vector product of given coordinates = sum of product of each coordinate
The example is AC + BD