If the length of a chord of a circle is equal to its radius, the degree of the circumferential angle of the chord is () A. 30 ° or 60 ° B. 60° C. 150° D. 30 ° or 150 °

If the length of a chord of a circle is equal to its radius, the degree of the circumferential angle of the chord is () A. 30 ° or 60 ° B. 60° C. 150° D. 30 ° or 150 °

According to the meaning of the question, the central angle of the string is 60 °,
① When the vertex of the circumference is on the superior arc, the circumference = 1
two × 60°=30°;
② When the apex of the circumference angle is on the inferior arc, according to the nature of the inscribed quadrilateral in the circle, it is complementary to the circumference angle in the first case, equal to 150 °
Therefore, D

As shown in the figure, AC is the diameter of circle O, AB and CD are the two chords of circle O, and arc ad = arc BC, find the size of the circumferential angle opposite to arc DAB

The result is 90 °
Since arc ad = arc BC, angle BAC = angle DAC (the circumferential angles of equal arcs are equal)
So ab ‖ DC (the internal offset angle is equal and the two straight lines are parallel)
If CB is connected, the angle DCB is the circumferential angle opposite to the arc DAB
Since AC is the diameter, the angle ABC is 90 °
Therefore, the angle DCB = 90 ° (the two straight lines are parallel and complementary to each other)

A chord divides a circle into two arcs at a ratio of 1:2. Find the degree of the circumferential angle opposite the arc

There are two answers to this question! 1. If it is the circumferential angle of the small arc, it is 60 degrees 2. If it is the circumferential angle of the large arc, it is 120 degrees. The ratio of one chord to divide the circle into two arcs is 1:2, then the ratio of the center angles of the two arcs is 1:2. And the sum of the center angles of the two arcs is 360 degrees, so the two circles

Conversion formula of angle and radian

Angle = radian / pi * 180
Radian = angle / 180 * pi

What is the radian angle conversion formula? Give specific figures

1 radian = 180 ° / 3.14

Conversion of radians and angles

1 radian = π / 180 °