If the radius of circle O is 2, the length of a chord is twice the root sign 3, and the center angle of the chord is

If the radius of circle O is 2, the length of a chord is twice the root sign 3, and the center angle of the chord is

As the center vertical line of the string, half of the chord length is root 3. The chord and radius of this half form a right triangle. The sine value of half of the center angle is equal to half of the chord length: radius = root 3 / 2, so the center angle of half is 60 degrees and the center angle is 120 degrees

In a circle with a radius of root 2, I calculate the center angle of the chord with a length equal to 2, which is equal to 90

This is an isosceles triangle with root 2 as two right angle sides, and the third side is 2. Therefore, it satisfies the inverse theorem of Pythagorean theorem

Is the length of a string equal to the radius and the central angle of the circle opposite the string equal to one radian? Why?

Chord L = R, the center angle is 60 ゜, which is 60 * π / 180 = π / 3 radians, slightly greater than 1
Please accept the answer and support me

Is the length of a string equal to the radius and the central angle of the circle opposite the string equal to 1 radian? Why?

Wrong. The definition of radian is the ratio of the arc length of the angle to the radius
If the length of a string is equal to the radius, it corresponds to an angle of 60 degrees
One radian = 360 / 2pi = 57.3 degrees

The length of a string in a circle is equal to the length of the radius. Is the center angle of the circle opposite an angle of 1 radian? What is the center angle equal to? Convert it to radians

Because the chord length is equal to the radius length
So connect the two points of the string with the center of the circle to get an equilateral triangle,
Therefore, the corresponding center angle is 60 °, that is, it is not an angle of 1 radian
The center of the circle is diagonalized into radians of π / 3

One string of a circle is equal to the radius, and the angle of the center of the circle opposite this string is______ Degrees

If the radius is r, the chord length is r,
By two radii, the chord can form an equilateral triangle with an internal angle of 60 °,
Therefore, the central angle of this string is 60 °
So the answer is 60