For what values of c is there a straight line that intersects the curve y=x^4 + cx^3+12x^2-5x+2 in four distinct points? What is the value of C? A straight line can intersect with the curve y = x ^ 4 + CX ^ 3 + 12x ^ 2-5x + 2. There are four different points?

For what values of c is there a straight line that intersects the curve y=x^4 + cx^3+12x^2-5x+2 in four distinct points? What is the value of C? A straight line can intersect with the curve y = x ^ 4 + CX ^ 3 + 12x ^ 2-5x + 2. There are four different points?

According to the meaning of the question, y 'should have at least 3 zeros
A maximum of 3 0 points were found
So y can only have three zeros
Let y '= 0
Then 4x ^ 3 + 3CX ^ 2 + 24x-5 = 0 should have a 3 unequal real root
Then we have to decompose the factor, we have to have three factors, each factor = 0, and find C

A topic about calculus What is the integral sinacosada equal to Wrong number. What is the integral sinasinacosada equal to

Method 1 ∫ sinacosada = ∫ Sina dsina= ½ sin ² A + C method II ∫ sinacosada = - ∫ Cosa dcosa =- ½ cos ² A + C method III ∫ sinacosada = ∫ ½ sin2A dA= - ½ Cos2a + C Description: these three results are

A calculus problem, 5x ^ 2 - 6xy + 5Y ^ 2 = 16 is an elliptic equation. Q: on the ellipse, which two points are tangent to the horizontal line? (derivative = 0) The formula for calculating the derivative is (- 5x + 3Y) / (5y-3x), but because X and y are in the same formula, I don't know how to find X. if the experts know, the detailed and simple solution process is on the invitation. If it is feasible, I'll add points

In fact, you've worked it out. Your own formula is the derivative of Y with respect to X. you said that the derivative is zero. What does that mean? This shows that the molecule of your formula is equal to zero, so you get the relationship between X and Y 5x = 3Y. Substitute this relationship into the formula of ellipse, and you can calculate two coordinates!

The difference between higher numbers and calculus I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination and count three. What I want to take is advanced mathematics. Will it have a great impact if I study calculus

Higher number is the principle of calculus, which is more detailed and pays more attention to proof and derivation. Calculus value is an application

What is the difference between calculus and advanced mathematics

Both belong to the category of mathematics, and the scope of higher mathematics is greater than calculus. In addition to calculus, higher mathematics also includes ordinary differential equations, spatial analytic geometry and so on

What's the difference between high numbers and calculus?

Advanced mathematics is a basic subject that combines simple calculus, probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as in-depth algebra, geometry, and the intersection between them
Calculus is a branch of higher mathematics that studies the differentiation and integration of functions and related concepts and applications. It is a basic subject of mathematics