Let function f (x) = cos (2x + π \ 3) + sin ^ 2x. Find the monotonically increasing interval of function f (x)

Let function f (x) = cos (2x + π \ 3) + sin ^ 2x. Find the monotonically increasing interval of function f (x)

That is, X ∈ [K Π + Π / 4, K Π + 3 Π / 4]
Monotonic increasing of function f (x)

Partial proof of calculus and derivative It is proved that if f (x) exists at the point of X. (1) if X. is the extreme point, there must be f '(x) = 0 (2) if X. is the inflection point, there must be the derivative part of F' '(x) = 0 calculus Correct the X. It's an X

(1) Fermat's theorem. Some textbooks include it in the proof of Rolle's theorem. If you turn to the book, I'll prove it again;
(2) treat f '' (x) as the derivative of F '' (x), that is, use Fermat's theorem for f '' (x)

Y = (x-1) (X-2) (x-3) (x-4) derivative


How to simplify the addition of trigonometric functions, such as SiNx + cosx, and find the period

Generally, it is √ 2
sinx+cosx =√2(√2/2sinx+√2/2cosx)=√2(sin(x+π/4)

Trigonometric function if 0 is less than or equal to 2 π and satisfies cosx at the same time

B must be wrong. For example, when x = π / 3, TaNx = 1.732 > SiNx, it is best to analyze TaNx < SiNx in combination with quadrants. If both are greater than 0 at the same time, TaNx will always be greater than SiNx. (you can draw this conclusion with right triangle. SiNx = A / C, TaNx = A / b. right angle side B will always be less than bevel side C). And when both

How can y = 1-cosx \ SiNx be reduced to a trigonometric function Not clear: should be (1-cosx) \ SiNx
