What is the end of mankind and where will mankind eventually go? With the continuous development of society, what will it eventually become?

What is the end of mankind and where will mankind eventually go? With the continuous development of society, what will it eventually become?

Human development has no end. Human beings and all things have the same ancestors, which means endless reincarnation like all things. A more developed civilized society is absolutely static for the vast universe. When it develops to a certain civilized system, that is, the most primitive system, it is inevitable to survive. The universe is infinite, and human development is also infinite, that is, fruitless

What is the limit of human social development Where do people come from and go? When did it originate? When will it become extinct? Why? What's the process?

In fact, people don't come from or go from where, and they don't originate or perish at any time. Because people are also a part of the universe, and everything in the universe is made of matter. Of course, people are also made of matter, and the substances that make up people come from the universe. People die, It can only be said that the substances that make up human beings are transformed into another form and continue to exist in the universe. The same substance has different forms of existence, and different substances can exist in various forms through various permutations and combinations. Man is just a variety of substances in different permutations and combinations, one of which has signs of life. All these substances move constantly in the universe, This movement is infinite, and the law of this movement is steady and changeable. Therefore, the course of human beings depends on the nature of this movement

What is the limit of human power? Ants can lift objects hundreds or even thousands of times larger than their own weight. How big is the limit of human beings?

Human beings will never know their limits, because the record will be broken by future generations!

Where is the limit of human ability?

Unlimited potential!

What is the significance of science and technology to human development in the 20th century?

Science and technology are the primary productive forces. Looking at all times and all over the world, every progress of human society is accompanied by the progress of science and technology. In particular, the rapid development of modern science and technology has opened up a broader space for the development of social productive forces and human civilization, and effectively promoted the development of economy and society. China's computers and communications

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, mankind is facing a new era of using and developing the ocean Come on! It's due tomorrow

Due to the rapid development of science and technology, mankind is ushering in a new era of using and developing the ocean