15. The correct one of the following statements is () A. Light from a light source always travels in a straight line B. The speed of light is always 3 × 108 m/s C. The path of light in the air is straight D. Observe the image formed by the object through the small hole. The closer the eye is to the small hole, the more obvious the observed image is

15. The correct one of the following statements is () A. Light from a light source always travels in a straight line B. The speed of light is always 3 × 108 m/s C. The path of light in the air is straight D. Observe the image formed by the object through the small hole. The closer the eye is to the small hole, the more obvious the observed image is

Choose D because a and C light can become a curve in air. B is 3 × 10 to the 8th square meter per second

Very simple physics problem! Two resistors R1: R2 = 3:5. When two resistors are connected to 6V power supply in series, the ratio of current passing through the two resistors is and the ratio of voltage at both ends of the two resistors is; When two resistors are connected in series to 12V power supply, the current ratio is and the voltage ratio is. (process!) Anyone here?

The series circuit current is the same, so the current ratio is 1:1. The greater the resistance in the series circuit, the greater the voltage. The voltage ratio is equal to the resistance ratio, so the voltage ratio is 3:5

Before boiling, heat the water to the temperature __; When boiling, continue to heat the water, and the temperature of the water is __

Before boiling, heat the water and increase the temperature of the water; When boiling, continue to heat the water, and the temperature of the water remains unchanged

Why do the initial velocities of metal balls of different masses slide freely from the same height on the inclined plane fixed at an angle to the horizontal plane? Can I think so? Because the formula of gravitational potential energy is MGH and the formula of kinetic energy is 1 / 2mv2, then only gravitational potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, that is, MGH = 1 / 2mv2, and M is cut off at the same time, that is, V has nothing to do with m, but has something to do with H and g. is this analysis correct?


These junior high school science questions When an object on a smooth horizontal plane is subjected to two forces of equal magnitude and opposite directions at the same time, the motion state of the object is () When sprinters start, both feet pedal on the starter fixed on the ground. The main function of this is to reduce the angle between the rebound force and the ground?

Moving in a straight line at a constant speed, or at rest
An included angle is formed between the starter and the ground. Because the relationship between the force and the reaction force is the same and the direction is opposite, the closer the man's force on the ground is to the level, the smaller the included angle with the ground, the closer the man's reaction force is to the water level, and the smaller the included angle with the ground, the forward acceleration can be obtained, which is more conducive to starting~~~
Fill in the blanks above is also a hint

Scientific physics in junior middle school (about the density of water) The label of a bottled Baijiu liquor produced by a winery is written in the words "500 milliliters 45 degrees". What is the quality of such a bottle of wine? What is the density of this wine? (alcohol degree refers to the volume of alcohol in 100ml liquor (ML), regardless of the change in volume during blending

M wine= ρ water × 55% × 500+ ρ alcohol × 45% × 500 (here) ρ The unit shall be g / cm ³, M liquor (unit: G, density check table)
ρ Wine = m wine / 500 g / cm ³