Knocking on a bottle makes a sound. Is it bottle vibration or water vibration Such as title

Knocking on a bottle makes a sound. Is it bottle vibration or water vibration Such as title

Both the bottle and the water vibrate

As shown in the figure, the same bottle is filled with different amounts of water. When you tap the bottle with a rod, you can make different pitches. Then the sounder is __, The tone of the sound is ___from left to right

There is water in the bottle. When knocking the bottle, the vibrating objects are bottle and water. There are more and more water from left to right, which is more and more difficult to vibrate. The frequency is smaller and smaller, and the tone is lower and lower
So the answer is: bottle and water; The tone drops

The same bottle is filled with different amounts of water. When you tap the bottle with a rod, you can make different tones. 1. What is the sounder? Note: the water in the bottle increases from left to right. There are 7 bottles in total 2. The sound tone from left to right is ()

Water and bottle are sound generators. Air is the medium of sound transmission
From left to right are 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
When knocking, the sound is made by the vibration of the cup and water. The less water in the cup, the greater the vibration and the higher the tone

The same bottle is filled with different amounts of water. When it is knocked with a rod, it can emit different tones, so the sounder is—— Filling (bottle and water) or (air column in bottle)

The sounder is [air column in bottle]
Because adding water is to indirectly control the length of the air column above the water surface, so as to control the tone. Knocking makes the air vibrate, and the bottle and water only transmit the vibration
(when you go to college, you will know that the energy required to make the water vibrate is thousands of times that required to make the air vibrate and sound, and you can't do it with a stick.)
Hope to help you ~ ~! If you don't understand, you can baidu Hi me ~!

Knock the water bottle with a small stick. Is the sound of the bottle with more water higher or the sound of the bottle with less water higher

The tone of Shaoshui is high

There are two identical bottles with different depths of water. The same small iron rod is used to knock on the same part. The sound is different. May I ask which bottle has a high tone and what is used to transmit the sound

There is more water with high tone. Because the volume of the resonant cavity becomes smaller, the frequency becomes higher and the tone becomes higher