Hawking's charm () is that he is a legendary physics genius, and () he is an admirable strong man in life Fill in the text with appropriate connectives

Hawking's charm () is that he is a legendary physics genius, and () he is an admirable strong man in life Fill in the text with appropriate connectives

Hawking's charm lies not only in his legendary genius in physics, but also in his admirable strength in life

Which examples in Hawking in a wheelchair show that Hawking is a genius in physics?

From Hawking's iconic image, we can see that Hawking is suffering from the cruel torture of illness, which makes people admire him more
2. What examples do the text show that he is a physics genius?
(1) He wrote a brief history of time
(2) He discovered the evaporation of black holes and deduced the big bang of black holes
(3) He built a very beautiful scientific model of the universe
3. What role does the eighth paragraph play in the article? Please summarize the main content of the article according to this summary paragraph
Play a connecting role
Although Hawking has been confined in a wheelchair for 40 years, he has never stopped exploring science; He is not only a legendary physics genius, but also an admirable life strong man
4. In the eleventh paragraph of nature, Hawking's lifelong ideal is to explore the mysteries of the universe and devote himself to the cause of science
5. The young female reporter thought that fate had made Hawking lose too much. However, after listening to Hawking's answer, her heart was greatly shocked. What would she think at this time?
She would think: fate is so cruel to Hawking, but instead of being pessimistic and depressed, he faces up to fate and is optimistic. It's really admirable

Why is Hawking an extraordinary scientist Sixth grade Chinese Lesson 10 after class exercise 4

(1) Fate is very cruel to Hawking, but he fought tenaciously against the disease and insisted on study and work. (2) with perseverance, he wrote a brief history of time, which has a great impact. (3) he tirelessly explored the unknown world of the universe and achieved significant research results. He is known as the "king of the universe". (4) regardless of personal utilitarian gains and losses, he always pays attention to the fate of the universe. (5) Work selflessly, be humble and have a grateful heart

A brief history of Hawking's time

A brief history of time mainly introduces people to what cosmology is and the latest development of cosmology. Because it is aimed at non professional readers, in order not to scare them, the whole article only puts a mathematical formula, the famous Einstein mass energy equation: e = MC ^ 2. The scientific progress in the last century is unparalleled

Why is Hawking an extraordinary scientist?

This question should be answered from two aspects
1、 In terms of scientific achievements, he is one of the most outstanding scientists in history. Hawking is a professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics and theoretical physics at Cambridge University and the most important contemporary general relativity and cosmologist. In the 1970s, he and Penrose proved the famous singularity theorem. For this reason, they jointly won the wolf physics award in 1988. He also proved the area theorem of black holes
At the same time, Professor Hawking is a modern science popularization novelist. His representative work is a brief history of time written in 1988, which is an excellent astronomy science popularization novel. The author has rich imagination, wonderful ideas, beautiful language and pearls, which is even more amazing. Outside the world, the changes in the future are so magical and wonderful. So far, the cumulative circulation of this book has reached 25 million copies, It has been translated into nearly 40 languages. In 1992, the film of the same name, which cost £ 3.5 million, came out
2、 This is also a very important point. Any life with disability and strong ambition is respected. He has been confined to a wheelchair for 20 years because of lugaret's disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). However, he has no disability, which has turned it into an advantage, overcome the disability and become a supernova in the international physics world. He can't write or even can't speak clearly, However, he transcended the theories of relativity, quantum mechanics and the big bang and stepped into the "geometric dance" of creating the universe. Although he was so helpless in his wheelchair, his thoughts roamed into the vast space and time and solved the mystery of the universe
So Hawking is an "extraordinary" scientist!

Hawking and a brief history of time What does Hawking's brief history of time mainly write? What kind of person is Hawking? What kind of spirit does he have?

Stephen William Hawking, born on January 8, 1942, graduated from Trinity College of Oxford University and Cambridge University, and received a doctorate in philosophy from Cambridge University. In the later stage of his university study, he began to suffer from "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" (motor neuron disease) and hemiplegia. He overcame the difficulties of disability