What is the sound source when beating the drum

What is the sound source when beating the drum

Yesterday, I argued with my daughter about a physics problem in grade two of junior high school: beating the drum with a drum stick, is the sound source a drum or a drum stick? According to the physics book, the correct two are both, but if the sound size is different, it is indeed a drum! The moment the drum stick hits the drum,

Loudness is determined by the sound source_________ The decision is also related to_____ And______ About throwing some paper pieces on the drum surface, tap and knock again. Heavy knocking is a loud indication When the stethoscope diagnoses the disease, the sound is through_____ The heard heartbeat sound is particularly clear because the transmission range of the sound is small_____ more

Amplitude distance sound source type
Solid loudness

Beat the drum with a drumstick to make a sound. The sound source of the drum is a drumstick B drum surface C air D drum side What the hell is it

The drum surface sound source is something that pushes the air

When people beat the drum, they can make a pleasant drum sound, which shows what makes the sound When people beat the drum, they can make a pleasant drum sound, which shows what makes the sound


Why does sound travel in the form of waves?

Because the so-called sound refers to vibration. Whether it is air or liquid / solid vibration, the propagation of vibration is wave

Where does sound travel in the form of waves?

A vacuum without a medium cannot transmit sound