How to understand the true meaning and revolutionary nature of Hegel's philosophy and the internal contradiction of Hegel's philosophy?

How to understand the true meaning and revolutionary nature of Hegel's philosophy and the internal contradiction of Hegel's philosophy?

Engels starts with the comparison of the two philosophical revolutions guiding the German revolution in the 19th century and the French Revolution in the 18th century, and believes that the philosophical guiding ideology of the German revolution, that is, Hegel's philosophical system, is almost recognized as Prussian national philosophy, which is lack of complete revolution, and the revolution guided by it can only be incomplete moderation in the end

How to understand Hegel's philosophical system, methods and contradictions?

Hegel's philosophy is a philosophy of dialectical idealism. He believes that "absolute spirit" is the ultimate source of supremacy, "absolute spirit" has the ability of its own movement and development, and the end point of the development process of "absolute spirit" is Hegel's philosophy. According to the traditional requirements, the philosophical system must be completed with some absolute truth

On the "rational core" of Hegel's Philosophy

Criticism and Sublation of reality
"Everything that exists in reality is rational, and everything that is rational will exist in reality."

Please briefly describe the main philosophical thoughts of Hegel and Feuerbach and their influence on Marxism

Hegel established a complete philosophical system of objective idealism mainly through dialectics. Feuerbach's main philosophical thought is materialism. The basic content holds that the material and perceptible world to which we belong is the only reality; And our consciousness and thinking, no matter how super sensory it seems, are always material

The "rational core" in Hegel's philosophy is () A. materialism B. dialectical materialism C. materialist dialectics D. dialectics


What is the "rational core" of Hegel's philosophy critically absorbed by Marxist philosophy?

Marx and Engels critically absorbed the "rational core" of Hegel's idealistic dialectics