Sound travels in the form of waves, which we call ()

Sound travels in the form of waves, which we call ()

Sound waves

Sound travels in the form of waves, both () and ()

Sound, energy

How to prove by experiment that sound propagates in the form of wave in the medium? Experimental tools Experimental requirements Experimental process and conclusion

Experimental tool paper sound
The experiment requires that the sound can be used and the paper is not wet
Experimental process and conclusion 1. Turn on the sound
2. The paper is held in front of the stereo
3. The paper will vibrate
Sound propagates in a medium in the form of waves

Why does sound always travel in the direction of low temperature?

Because of the high density of the sound transmission medium in the low-temperature direction, it is easier for the sound to propagate in the high-density medium than in the low-density medium (for example, the sound propagates faster in water than in air, and the distance is far). The sound is transmitted in all directions, but the high-temperature area disappears soon because of the low density, while the low-temperature area propagates because of the high density of the medium, The sound transmission loss is small, so it travels far. It gives people the feeling that the sound transmission route always propagates in the direction of low temperature

How does sound reach the human ear from the sound source? one hundred and twenty-three

The sound waves that can be heard by the surrounding people are collected by the auricle, and then transmitted to the external auditory canal, secondary and tympanic membrane. The sound waves generated by the vibration of the tympanic membrane are transmitted to the auditory ossicles. The acoustic waves are amplified by the auditory ossicles and transmitted to the cochlea, and then transmitted to the brain by the auditory nerve in the cochlea. The brain makes analysis to form hearing

Is the route of sound straight It's urgent... Help dig So is it straight

What I said upstairs is not accurate. In fact, the sound does not "pass" through the wall, but "bypass" the wall. However, the way of winding is different from people. It is "around" from the wall, and the physical essence is diffraction