Seeking the story of philosopher Hegel Who knows?

Seeking the story of philosopher Hegel Who knows?

Hegel (1770-1831), a famous German classical philosopher, dialectics master and knowledgeable scholar in the 19th century. Hegel is one of the representatives of German classical philosophy, the first philosopher to systematically elaborate idealistic dialectics in the history of philosophical development, and the master of German classical idealism. Hegel was born in

Who is Hegel

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) is the peak of the movement started by Kant in German philosophy; Although he often criticizes Kant, if there was no Kant's theoretical system, his system would never be produced. The shadow of Hegel

How to understand Hegel's "total thought"?

Generally speaking, truth refers to an attribute of people's cognition, that is, people's cognition of things correctly reveals the stipulation (nature) of things themselves. Most Western classical philosophers use the concept of truth in this sense. Hegel is different from this. He often stipulates things from the essence of things and things (essence, i.e. ancient Greece talked about phase, common phase, universality, nous, eidos and logos) to discuss the problem of "truth" in the sense of unity
Hegel's concern about the connotation of human spirit (meaning, value, truth and rationality) His so-called absolute spirit actually refers to the human spirit. Logic can be regarded as a logical analysis of the nature of human spirit. He wants to explain the characteristics of the nature of human spirit with the help of the self evolution of concept, that is, the spirit becomes truth in the continuous negation of itself, so as to explain that the truth of human spirit is realized in the process (i.e In this way, the concept is translated into a general idea (i.e. Begriff / Note). It refers to the rich prescriptiveness of thought. That is, it refers to the "sublation" of the former concept and the one-sided later concept

How to understand Hegel's "absolute spirit"

Hegel's absolute spirit is relative to the God of Chinese people and the God of foreigners
Hegel has a "World God" in his heart, which creates everything in the world. Material and spiritual things are produced from it and finally return to it. However, Hegel's "World God" is not an existence like God in Christianity. He understands "God" as a kind of "spirit". In Hegel's view, Spirit has a divinity, which is the most noble embodiment of God in the world. When God fully shows himself in the human spirit, it must appear in the form of a spirit. If God is the spirit and the world is the product of God, it is obvious that the world is the product of spirit. But this "spirit" can not be equal to the "spirit" of any person. This "spirit" It is independent of all of us, even of all things. It is a spiritual origin that existed before the emergence of nature and human society. This is the "absolute spirit". All things displayed in front of us, including not only human spiritual consciousness activities, but also mountains and rivers, animals and plants, human society... Are developed by the "absolute spirit" Some people may say that these things are material! But Hegel said that what you see is only "phenomenon". You have to see the essence through the phenomenon - they are essentially spiritual, and these phenomena are "spiritual phenomena". Then, how does absolute spirit realize all things in the world? Hegel replied that this requires the spirit to realize all kinds of things in stages through the dialectical movement of positive anti combination. At the beginning, the absolute spirit moves in the pure "conceptual" world (positive); Then it externalizes itself from the concept to form a nature with specific material content (anti); After some twists and turns, the spirit sublates the nature, combines the first two stages, and returns to the form of expression of the spirit (combination). In this spiritual stage, the spirit is first expressed as "subjective spirit" (that is, the formation and development of personal consciousness), and then externalized as "objective spirit" (that is, all components of human society), and finally, "subjective spirit" and "Objective spirit" moves towards the combination and reaches the stage of "absolute spirit". In this stage, after a long series of changes, the absolute spirit can finally show itself according to its original appearance - its specific form is art, religion and philosophy. We grasp the absolute spirit through intuition in art and through representation or imagination (a supreme God) in religion To grasp the absolute spirit, and in philosophy, we can complete the understanding of the absolute spirit through logical thinking. Perhaps we might as well understand that the absolute spirit is a mysterious spiritual force in the universe. It constantly changes, grows and deduces everything according to the law of positive anti combination. Therefore, from the world view, it is a typical objective idealism However, dialectics, the movement form of absolute spirit, reveals the contradictory relationship and contradictory essence between things in the world in a certain sense, which deeply influenced Marx

Physics problems about sound The propagation speed of sound in the rail is 5200m / s, and the propagation speed of sound in the air is 340m / s. Xiao Ming knocked on the rail, and at the other end, Xiao Gang heard two sounds at an interval of 2S. Please find the length of the rail

By V = s / T
T empty = s / V empty
T rail = s / V rail
T empty - t rail = 2S
I.e. s / 340m / S - S / 5200m / S = 2S
So s = 638.3m
For reference only! Ask again if you have any questions!

A problem about sound in physics! If the ear of a normal person can distinguish between the original sound and the echo. The time interval between the two sounds is more than 0.1s, then the person is at least 2 feet away from the reflected object_____ Mi? The answer is 17. But I don't know how to do it! Help me!

Sound velocity 340m / s, 340 * 0.1 = 34
After phonation, the sound passes back and forth into the human ear, so 34 / 2 = 17