On December 26, 2004, a century tsunami occurred, but animals did not die on a large scale. From a physical point of view: () A some animals can hear ultrasonic waves B some animals can hear infrasound waves

On December 26, 2004, a century tsunami occurred, but animals did not die on a large scale. From a physical point of view: () A some animals can hear ultrasonic waves B some animals can hear infrasound waves

B animals can really hear infrasound waves. It's said in the biology class of junior middle school that the landlord can turn the book

When was Mr. Hawking's book published?

It is Hawking's work in 1988, but Hawking's new work in 2006. It should be noted that these two books are not the same book. They are different in content. But they are both Hawking's works. The content is more profound, and the popular version is a book written by Hawking to give beginners who do not understand astronomy a chance to understand astronomy. For example

When did Hawking publish any books?

1988: a brief history of time 1993: black holes and Baby Universes and other essays 2001: the universe in a nutshell 2002: in giants

Hawking once said that the state of 43 seconds before the big bang already knew what was released in 43 seconds? Why 43 seconds?

The big bang theory is just a children's story. The universe has no beginning and no end, and there will be no origin. Because the definition of the universe is: the objective existence of three immortals and three noes. That is, the universe is endless, boundless, immeasurable, and eternal

Hawking's black hole law

That is, the four laws of Thermodynamics: the zero Law: two objects in thermodynamic equilibrium with the third system are in thermodynamic equilibrium with each other. This means that it is possible to manufacture thermometers. The first law: energy is conserved. The first kind of perpetual motion machine without energy cannot be manufactured. The second law: heat spontaneously flows from high temperature to low temperature, Not all heat energy is converted into work. This means that the second kind of perpetual motion machine using a single heat source to do work cannot be manufactured, and the isolated system always spontaneously evolves from a low entropy state to a high entropy state. The third law: it is impossible to reach absolute zero through a finite number of reversible steps

The fastest speed in the world should be the speed of the big bang. Hawking said that the diameter of the universe will become 10 light-years long in 10 minutes. Is it true or false Pity what you write, just you

This is absolutely nonsense. The big bang occurred at the beginning of the chaos of the universe. Hawking could never measure the specific speed at that time. At present, the fastest speed that can be measured is the supernova big bang, which is absolutely different from the speed of the big bang. According to the above speed, the speed of the supernova Big Bang can spread to 0.8-0.9 light-years in 10 minutes
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