Explain the principles, functions and consequences of the government's formulation of price ceiling and price bottom

Explain the principles, functions and consequences of the government's formulation of price ceiling and price bottom

Price ceiling
Ceiling price refers to the maximum price set by the government for a certain commodity. For example, the rent control in New York City sets the upper limit of rent. Ceiling price is one of the results of this schizophrenia. Let's analyze the consequences of this policy. Ceiling price refers to the government's setting that the price of a certain product or service shall not exceed a certain level, If it is stipulated that the price of a medical service shall not exceed 80 yuan. The effective ceiling price will inevitably lead to a shortage of supply. This is because the effective ceiling price must be lower than the free market price. If the original market price of a medical service is 100 yuan each time, the stipulation that the price shall not exceed 120 yuan will not work, because the price will not exceed 100 yuan
Ceiling price is a form of national guiding price and the maximum price for commodity trading stipulated by the state. It is applicable to the following situations: 1. Limit the rise of retail price of market commodities. 2. Limit the retail price of some industrial products in remote areas. 3. Implement ceiling price for imported commodities. 4. Upper limit of floating price. The purpose of implementing ceiling price: in order to maintain the basic stability of market prices, Maintain the basic stability of people's life and reflect the national price policy
Price bottom
The minimum price, also known as "protective price", refers to the minimum price limit set by a government for a certain imported commodity, that is, when the price of imported goods is lower than the specified minimum price, import surtax will be levied or import will be prohibited. This is a non-tariff protection measure. According to the requirements of the new valuation regulations (signed in the Tokyo round of GATT) that came into force in 1981, The valuation method of the minimum price is prohibited in GATT member states. This is because the minimum price is a negation of the valuation system based on the transaction price and violates the valuation principle established in the new regulations. However, in the protocol to the new valuation regulations, developed countries have made concessions to developing countries on this issue, We agree that developing countries should retain a minimum price during the transition period in order to ease the contradiction of the reduction of fiscal revenue caused by the implementation of new laws and regulations

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The (price )of the two things (is )the same.
Note: price is an uncountable noun and has no plural. As the subject is the predicate, the verb should use the third person singular

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