On physical support/ A wooden block weighs G1. Put it on the horizontal plane, and a personal weight G2 stands on the wooden block When analyzing the stress of the wood block, the support force received by the wood block is G1 + G2. Or G1. Why?

On physical support/ A wooden block weighs G1. Put it on the horizontal plane, and a personal weight G2 stands on the wooden block When analyzing the stress of the wood block, the support force received by the wood block is G1 + G2. Or G1. Why?

The support force of the wood block is G1 + G2 upward
Reason: the pressure given by people to the wood block is G2, and the pressure given by the wood block to the floor is G1 + G2
According to the interaction force, the supporting force of the ground to the wood block is G1 + G2

How to find physical support

△ the supporting force in junior middle school physics is calculated indirectly according to the balance of two forces after force analysis according to the motion state of the object
△ the supporting force in high school physics. According to the motion state of the object, after the force analysis of multiple objects, one is to indirectly calculate the supporting force according to the balance of two forces; The second is to indirectly calculate the support force according to Niu Er's law

How to say "focus" in English? I wrote "concentrate \ attention". The teacher marked the first word. What's wrong?

Stay focus, very authentic usage. Your teachers teach Chinglish. When they go abroad, the locals rarely use it

How do you say it in English


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What class are you in?

Explain what the word means

Interpretation + interpretation = interpretation