What is the function and significance of patent priority?

What is the function and significance of patent priority?

1. Encourage inventors to apply for patents in time
Patent priority can encourage the inventor to apply for a patent in time. As soon as there is an invention and creation, the inventor can apply for a patent in time, which is conducive to protecting the enthusiasm of the inventor to the greatest extent and more fully embodies the principle of "first application" stipulated in China's patent law
The consequences of applying for a patent too late are obvious, which can easily lead to being applied for first by others. In addition, some patent technology thieves steal technical achievements through some improper means, apply for a patent first, and even sue the real inventor in turn
2. Urge the inventor to speed up the research process
The period of priority is 12 months, which requires the inventor to improve and improve the invention and creation of the same subject within 12 months after the first application. After filing a patent application for the first time, many people set the completion date of their next development plan before the expiration of the priority period, which is the positive impact of the priority system
3. It is conducive to the conversion of patent application types
Because the document writing and claims of utility model and invention patent are often different for some inventions, the invention can protect the method, but the utility model can't. with the priority system, the applicant can finally choose whether to protect his invention and creation with utility model or invention patent within the specified one-year period according to his own choice. If the original application is a utility model, The utility model patent can be converted into an invention patent by claiming priority. On the contrary, the invention patent can also be converted into a utility model patent
4. It is conducive to strengthening the protection of patents
The detailed rules for the implementation of China's patent law stipulates: "the application date referred to in the Patent Law refers to the priority date if there is priority." this provision itself is conducive to the patentee and thus helps to strengthen the protection of the patent. In addition, due to the modification, supplement and improvement of the first patent application by claiming priority, the reliability and stability of the patent are relatively better. In case of infringement, The chances of winning a lawsuit are usually greater
I hope I can help you understand!

What are the primary basic norms of international economic law

International Law refers to the overall application of legal rules between sovereign states and other entities with international personality. International law, also known as public international law, is different from private international law or legal conflict, which deals with the differences between the domestic laws of different countries. International law is also different from domestic law, which is the internal law of a country, It regulates the conduct of individuals and other legal entities within its jurisdiction

What is the economic meaning of credit

To understand "credit" from an economic point of view, it actually refers to the relationship between "borrowing" and "lending". Credit actually refers to "the expectation of obtaining a sum of money within a limited period of time". If you borrow a sum of money and a batch of goods (on credit), it is actually equivalent to that you have obtained a "limited credit line" from the opposite party. The reason why you can get this credit from the other party "Limited credit line" is mostly due to the trust of the other party in you, and sometimes it may be due to strategic considerations and other factors. There are rich levels to understand credit from an economic perspective, at least from the national, bank, enterprise and individual levels
National credit contains at least two meanings: first, the lending relationship between countries, that is, the so-called sovereign debt, such as the famous Brady bond, the U.S. loan to Latin American countries in the 1980s, China's low interest loan to some countries and regions in Asia and Africa, Japan's overseas cooperation fund loan, World Bank loan, etc. Second, it is reflected in the national debt The loan relationship between the government and the domestic enterprises and residents. The government issues national bonds and the enterprises and residents buy them. In fact, the government borrows a sum of money from the enterprises and residents first, then makes investment, and pays the principal and interest at maturity
Credit between banks, enterprises and individuals is mutual. Banks should obtain credit from enterprises and individuals, that is, they should borrow money from enterprises and individuals, which is the foundation of their survival. At the same time, enterprises and individuals also need to obtain credit from banks. Enterprises can use it to solve their urgent needs or investment expansion; individuals can use it to meet their needs and improve their quality of life
The credit between enterprises and individuals is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is commercial credit (also known as transaction credit, i.e. trade credit) , or it can be called B-B credit, which mainly refers to non cash transactions between enterprises, that is, people often say credit sales. We should not simply regard the object of credit sales as some tangible goods, such as a batch of parts provided by auto parts suppliers; it can also be a project. For example, the construction company has completed the construction of a building, and the project funds have not been completed At this time, what the construction company gives credit is not only the advance funds and materials in the construction of the building, but also the labor in the construction process; it can even be some intangible services and intellectual products, such as the consulting services provided by the management consulting company. Second, the credit between enterprises and individuals can also be called
B-C credit, this form of credit is very common in our daily life. For example, our mobile phone consumption is usually a kind of credit consumption. We always pay the fee of last month this month. China Mobile can even allow you to default the phone fee for 2 months

What is the meaning of western economics

Western economics, known as market economics, is applied to western market economy countries. Marked by the publication of Adam Smith's wealth of nations in 1776, western economics has experienced more than 200 years of ups and downs
In this not long and not short historical process, from Adam Smith, David Ricardo, say, Muller, Malthus and Marshall to Keynes, Milton Friedman, Samuelson, Lucas and Stiglitz, there are many masters of economics; There are many schools of economics from classical economics, neoclassical economics to Keynesian economics, neoclassical macroeconomics and new Keynesian economics

What is the meaning and principle of appropriate scale in western economics

Under the condition of constant technology, the return to scale will be in different stages with the change of production scale; If the production scale reaches an appropriate scale, expanding the production scale will lead to the constant return to scale; Beyond the appropriate scale, expanding the production scale will

From the perspective of Macroeconomics: how to explain the economic meaning of money demand?

Money demand refers to the amount that social departments can and are willing to hold in the form of money within the established income or wealth range. In modern highly monetized economic society, social departments need to hold a certain amount of money to exchange, pay expenses, repay debts, engage in investment or preserve value, Therefore, there is money demand. Money demand is usually expressed as the amount of money held by various sectors of society in a given time. For the understanding of the meaning of money demand, we also need to grasp the following points: (1) money demand is a concept of stock. It examines a certain time point and space (such as China at the end of 1997), The amount or share of all assets owned by various sectors of society willing to hold in the form of money, rather than the change in the amount of money held by various sectors in a certain period of time (e.g. from the end of 1996 to the end of 1997). Therefore, money demand is a stock concept rather than a flow concept. (2) money demand is conditionally limited, It is a unity of ability and desire. It takes the existence of income or wealth as the premise and is willing to hold the amount of money within the scope of the ability to obtain or hold money. Therefore, to constitute money demand, two conditions need to be met at the same time: one is the ability to obtain or hold money; Second, they must be willing to keep their property in the form of money. They are indispensable. Being able and unwilling to hold money will not form a demand for money; It is also an unrealistic illusion to have the desire but not the ability to obtain money. (3) in reality, money demand includes not only the demand for cash, but also the demand for deposit money. Because money demand is the demand put forward by the circulation of all goods and services and all monetary payments. This demand can be met not only by cash, Deposit money can also be satisfied. If the money demand is limited to cash, it is obviously one-sided. (4) people's demand for money includes not only the money demand for performing the functions of circulation means and payment means, but also the money demand for performing the functions of value storage means. The difference between the two lies in the different motives of holding money or the different functions of money, But they are all within the scope of money demand