Point out the specific meaning of the words in the following sentences 1. I was so smart at that time that I always thought he didn't talk very (beautiful) 2. Alas, I think now, it was so (SMART) at that time!

Point out the specific meaning of the words in the following sentences 1. I was so smart at that time that I always thought he didn't talk very (beautiful) 2. Alas, I think now, it was so (SMART) at that time!

Not beautiful: it was the lack of understanding of father's love at that time; Too smart: it refers to the guilt of understanding father's love and thinking about the past

What are the words with the meaning of "very"

Very special

Write words that mean "good-looking" People or things will do

very pretty and charming
stand gracefully erect
Dignified and beautiful
Different postures
compete with each other for beauty of looks
Xiangyuan Yiqing
stand gracefully erect
a hundred flowers blossom with a great variety of shows
lovingly pathetic
tall , stately and handsome,
noble and dignified
be good to hear or see

Explain the words according to the meaning: many colors, very beautiful In the text, it refers to the colorful damask silk presented by China


A word that means jump


Yong group words (with beautiful meaning)
