Metaphorical words

Metaphorical words

as if
be like
be just like

Which of the following words are metaphorical words. Hands and feet, flesh and bones, eyebrows and eyes, heart and liver, hard work and confidants. Newborn calf, cardamom, youth, vigorous, energetic, hale and hearty, old and strong

Hands and feet, flesh and bones, eyebrows and eyes, heart and liver, painstaking efforts and confidants. Newborn calf, cardamom, youth, vigorous and vigorous

The word "bridge" and its meaning

Bridge and culvert: general name of bridge and culvert. Bridge pier: bridge head

The meaning of bridge Poems Poetry and meaning

Well-known poem
One of the most famous poems about the legend was written by Qin Guan of in the Song Dynasty (960-1279).
Fairy Of The Magpie Bridge
Among the beautiful clouds,
Over the heavenly river,
Crosses the weaving maiden.
A night of rendezvous,
Across the autumn sky.
Surpasses joy on earth.
Moments of tender love and dream,
So sad to leave the magpie bridge.
Eternal love between us two,
Shall withstand the time apart.
(Translated by Kylie Hsu)
Immortals at the Magpie Bridge
Song · Qin Guan
Cloud weaving skill
Flying stars spread hate
Yinhan remote darkness
Once the golden wind and jade dew meet
It wins countless people in the world
Tender as water
A good time is like a dream
Take care of the magpie bridge
If two feelings last for a long time
Is it day and night

What does the word "Lian" or "bridge" in ancient poetry generally mean What does it mean to use such a word

1. Self connection; From 2, difficult
Bridge words are generally used as common and false words

People use bridges to create many new words, such as commercial bridge, book bridge, etc. Please talk about the meaning of bridge in the words

Commercial bridge is the bridge of commercial communication;
Book bridge is a way of communication through books;
Heart to heart bridge is a bridge between people's hearts;
Cultural bridge is the channel of cultural communication;
Economic bridge refers to the means of exchanging information economically;
Biological bridge: the main idea of biological bridge is to connect the understanding of human and biology, and understand biology through this way!
Chess bridge: the main idea of chess bridge is to connect people and people to understand chess through this way
Language Bridge: the main idea of language bridge is to connect people's understanding of language and understand language through this way!
Health bridge: the main idea of health bridge is to connect people's understanding of health and understand health through this way!
Career bridge: the main idea of career bridge is to connect people's understanding of career and understand career through this way!
Medical bridge: the main idea of medical bridge is to connect people's understanding of medicine and understand medicine through this way!
Nongqiao: the main idea of Yiqiao is to connect people's understanding of agriculture and understand agriculture through this way!
Axle: the main idea of axle is to connect the understanding between people and vehicles, and understand vehicles through this way