What does the word "Huaxia" mean? To be more detailed

What does the word "Huaxia" mean? To be more detailed

Huaxia originally refers to the Central Plains of China, and later covers all the territory of our country, so it is also the ancient name of our country. Clothes must be exquisite, things must be abundant, people must learn etiquette, the country must benefit, and monarchs and officials must call our country and our people, which can be the real Huaxia. A detailed explanation originally refers to the original area of our country, and then covers all the territory of our country

Seek the sentence with the connotation of Chinese classics! I chose two, namely: Benevolent people love mountains! Wise men like water! I make a desk calendar for a company. I want to put a meaningful word every month, and then add some text descriptions Landscapes are good with pictures, so the words you choose also need to be good with pictures!

I'm not sure about your specific requirements. "Don't rejoice in things, don't feel sorry for yourself" and "born in hardship, die in happiness"?
In addition, I would like to remind you that it should be "benevolent people enjoy mountains and wise people enjoy water"

I always feel that he doesn't speak very well

It's obviously irony
13. Irony
Deliberately use words or sentences that are opposite to the original meaning to express the original meaning. This figure of speech is called irony. It is divided into justification and negation
Just against: use positive words to express feelings such as ridicule, irony, hatred and contempt. For example, A. several "kind" bosses went to the vegetable market to collect some vegetable leaves and dip them in salt. This is their rare delicacy. B. the foreign students in the Qing Dynasty also twisted their necks, which is a great sign
Use negative words to express affection, kindness, praise, banter and other feelings. For example, A. several women are a little disappointed and sad. Everyone scolds their "cruel thief" in their heart. B. I detect with children's cunning eyes that she loves us

In the back, I was too smart at that time. I always thought he didn't speak very beautiful. The specific meaning of beauty. 2: Alas, I think now, that's really smart! The specific meaning of intelligence

It was so smooth that "I" felt that I couldn't get along, so "I" was too smart at that time... Now I want to come... I regret my mental state at that time
"I was too smart at that time" "Alas, I think now, I was too smart at that time." this is the author's self mockery. In fact, it reflects that the author didn't realize his father's love at that time. He always thought he was very smart, but in fact he was very stupid. Now he understands, it's a pity, so he said this self mockery with a little regret. Personally, I think there is deep regret and regret in this sentence, So its function should be to show the father's love and his own regret

Back lesson 1 how do you understand the word "beautiful" in his speech? I was really smart at that time. What do you mean by being smart?

Beauty here should mean "appropriate and appropriate". Intelligence should be quoted, and it should mean not smart enough

I was so smart at that time that I always thought he didn't speak, madam (beautiful) 2. Alas, I'm now I want to be accurate. I'll wait online

1. This is a rhetorical device of irony, which is often used in Lu Xun's articles. This sentence expresses that when Zhu Ziqing looks back on the past, he blames himself for his ignorance or ignorance. At that time, he did not understand his father's difficulties. Up to now, He deeply realized his father's hardship and greatness. 2. In fact, the two cleverness are the same. Both express the author's feeling that he is not sensible, can't understand his father's good intentions, and is full of guilt