What are the meanings of "convenience"

What are the meanings of "convenience"

1. Buddhist language. It means to teach people in a flexible way to realize the true meaning of Buddha Dharma. VIMA Sutra · Dharma offerings: "explain for all sentient beings separately with convenience and show clearly." Tan Sutra · Prajna products: "if you want to imitate others, you must have convenience." Tang Yaohe's poem "send a silent monk on an autumn night": "master Lai's convenient words gradually realize the truth." "Five Lantern Festival yuan · Zhang Jinghui Zen master FA Si · Jian Fuhong debating Zen master": "those who are convenient hide the reality and cover the phase, and the door of power and dexterity is also. They are connected to the middle and lower levels, and the song is used to induce Di, which is called convenience." 2. Take advantage of it at random. The book of Jin · Shi Jilong's biography 1: "what [Jilong] did was cruel. Those who have brave strategies with themselves in the army are easy to harm, and many people were killed before and after." northern history · biography of Wang Pi of Wei Dongyang: "If there are evils and evils that are convenient for slander, they will be killed." Tang Liu Su's new words of the Tang Dynasty - gongzhi said: "the Zhongzong tastes the pleasure of visiting the pool, and the banquet attendants... Are convenient for officials and barons." Volume 7 of Jin Dong Jieyuan's records of the Western Chamber of palaces: "(Yingying) nine soft intestines, like ten thousand sharp knives. The Hongniang conveniently advised:" the news of a distant journey is in the arms of sister Xiurong. " 3. It means doing things easily. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, Yang Xuan's "Luoyang Jialan Ji Longhua Temple": "Zong's behavior is very similar to that of the faint Lord, and his mother told it, which makes it convenient. Zongsui... Began to chase and serve the funeral for three years." 4. Convenience. Yuefu Poetry Collection · song of Qing Dynasty and Shang Dynasty II. Tuan fan Lang ":" shake Lang's jade hand because of the wind. "The story of Jiao Hong by Liu Dui in the Ming Dynasty: "Thank you for your kindness. It's a bosom friend. It's convenient for people and people." Chapter 5 of Liu Qing's iron wall: "it's convenient for grass stations to move to cooperatives." 5. Give convenience or help. Biography of chunniang by Song Wang, Ming and Qing Dynasties: "if my sister is convenient for me, it's also a shady thing to get rid of this way." the third discount of Yuan Ma Zhiyuan's dream of Huangliang: "Brother Xie Zi, how can you be pitiful and convenient?" Xingshi Hengyan · Zhang Shuer's ingenuity to get rid of Yang Sheng: "in the midst of the crisis, you have to ask your mother for convenience and allow the students to rest for half an night." 6. Opportunity; opportunity. Northern history · biography of officials · Meng ye: "industry is the code. People in important positions in the state want to bribe each other and stop suffering without convenience." Tang Li Deyu's request for a secret edict on the fortress: "I hope Liu Mian and Zhongshun will keep their will. Whenever they go, they will immediately tell the princess the secret meaning. It is convenient to see it." in the volume of Pinghua in the former Han Dynasty, "empress Lu sent back emperor Gao and often thought of a plan to kill Han Xin, but it is not convenient." warning words - Wang jiaoluan's hatred for a hundred years: "Mingxia reported that: 'my sister can send a letter to brother-in-law Zhou.' jiaoluan said, 'it has to be convenient?' Chapter 40 of the chronicles of nations of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty: "the two resigned from the Duke of song, looked at the convenience and let them out of the city." 7. Appropriate; appropriate. Yuan Qiaoji's song "little peach red, monk's room, etheric lake and stone feet": "it's very convenient to meet that person with the shadow of Begonia and the moon shining." part 11 of Zhou Erfu's morning in Shanghai: "it's more convenient to have this dinner party than to exchange opinions in the trade association." 8. Easy. The first act of Lao She's Longxugou: "nine cities and eight streets, where can it be so convenient to make money here?" Ba Jin's "about the longevity tower": "it was very convenient to go to Japan at that time. There was no need to apply for a passport. It was easy to buy a ticket at any time." 9. Flexible; comfortable. The first act of Hongshen's fragrant rice: "Dad's ears are not convenient and can't hear you." Lao She's "four generations in one house" 28: "she said she had a cold these two days and her voice was inconvenient." 10. Referring to rich money. Act 1 of Cao Yu's Thunderstorm: "it's convenient for your men now. Can you give me $7.8?" Lao She's philosophy 4: "Say the exact number, don't be vague. Kiss is kiss, money is money!" said several college students. "If we say it, my father will be inconvenient for a while." 11. Plot; calculation. The hundred parables Sutra - the shepherd's metaphor: "the [shepherd] has tens of millions of sheep, is extremely greedy and refuses to use it for external use. Sometimes there is a person who is good at deceit, makes convenience and shares relatives and friends with the sheep and all kinds of property." Jin Dong Jieyuan's "Romance of the Western Chamber of various palaces" Volume II: "the general is defeated, the organic change is not suitable to catch up; it is convenient to catch up and fall, and it is convenient to lose." 12. Method; know-how. Volume 321 of Taiping Guangji quotes the youminglu · new ghost by Liu Yiqing of the Southern Song Dynasty: "There is a new dead ghost, who is tired and thin. Suddenly, he sees his friend dead and twenty years old. He is fat and healthy. He asks him, 'qingnar?' and says, 'I am very hungry and can't take care of myself. You know all the conveniences, so you should teach me.'" the hundred parables classic - the metaphor of children getting a big turtle: "when [children] get a big turtle, they want to kill it, but they don't know the conveniences." 13. Release their hands and excrete feces and urinates. Chapter 5 and 3 of journey to the West: "He had two abdominal cramps... The mother-in-law took two clean buckets and taught him two conveniences." Chapter 4 of Junqing's tsunami: "I don't love the toilet. I want to go outside for convenience."

What are the meanings of freshness? What is the meaning of freshness in the air after rain?

Four kinds are (1) [fresh]: just produced, just collected or just made, for example: fresh bread (2) [novel; strange]: rare, novel (3) [new]: brand-new and gorgeous (4) fresh, such as fresh air
The air is especially fresh after the rain. The freshness in the rain is the fourth kind
I hope I can help you!

How many meanings does "goodbye" have?

Never see again, see you tomorrow. It depends on who said it. Lovers generally say this is not good. I always think I will say goodbye to my lovers unless I break up. Friends may say goodbye when they leave, such as a friend leaving here. Or family guests leaving will say goodbye. Most people say goodbye

What are the common meanings of "road" in poetry? Answer quickly, I need it urgently!

Road has many meanings, including five common ones in Poetry:
1. Roads:
Poetry, Zheng Feng, follow the road: "follow the road."
Another example: Tao Qian's Peach Blossom Garden: "then I lost my way and lost my way."
2. Regional name;
For example, the poet Xin Qiji's nostalgia for the past in Beigu Pavilion in Jingkou: "the beacon fire Yangzhou road."
3. It's "big"——
For example, Sheng min in the book of Songs: "Jue Sheng carries the road."
4. Stroke
"Forget the distance."
5. Ways and means of doing things:

Several common meanings of "road" in Poetry Hurry up, thank you!

The author of sending Shaofu du to Shuzhou: Wang Bo's castle is located in the three Qin Dynasties, and the wind and smoke look at the five Tianjin. I am an official who wants to leave you. There are bosom friends in the sea, and the horizon is like a neighbor. Inaction is on the Qi Road, and my children are covered with thirty achievements, dust and earth. Eight thousand miles of clouds and the moon look thousands of miles ahead, and the lucky stars shine on the horizon. I report that the road is long, day and evening, and learn poetry

The poem "road" then points out its meaning

Road has many meanings, including five common ones in Poetry:
1. Roads:
Poetry, Zheng Feng, follow the road: "follow the road."
Another example: Tao Qian's Peach Blossom Garden: "then I lost my way and lost my way."
2. Regional name;
For example, the poet Xin Qiji's nostalgia for the past in Beigu Pavilion in Jingkou: "the beacon fire Yangzhou road."
3. It's "big"——
For example, Sheng min in the book of Songs: "Jue Sheng carries the road."
4. Stroke
"Forget the distance."
5. Ways and means of doing things: