What is the meaning or meaning of a child who wants to be raised but doesn't want to be loved?

What is the meaning or meaning of a child who wants to be raised but doesn't want to be loved?

I want to take good care of my parents, but they are gone
From Volume 9 of Han Shi waizhuan, the original text is "the husband tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the son wants to raise but does not wait."
The above sighs were made by Gao Yu after his parents died. Gao Yu traveled all over the world to find teachers and friends, so he seldom stayed at home to serve his parents. Unexpectedly, his parents died one after another. Gao Yu was surprised that he could no longer be filial. He deeply regretted that his parents failed to take good care of the bed when they were alive. Now it's too late to regret!

The meaning and characteristics of law?

(1) Law is the essential, inevitable and stable connection in the process of material movement
(2) The law has two characteristics: first, objectivity; Second, universality

Find the definition, law and distribution of demand theorem; Conditions and definitions of budget balance; Prerequisites for a balanced market

The demand theorem is that when other conditions remain unchanged, the demand for a commodity changes in the opposite direction to the price, that is, the lower the price of the commodity, the greater the demand; The higher the price of a commodity, the smaller the demand
Budget equilibrium condition: the budget line is tangent to the indifference curve
Equilibrium market, supply = demand

Use the demand theorem to explain why the price rises and the demand rises

Because the earth's resources are becoming more and more scarce, human beings now occupy more than 80% of resources, resulting in rising prices and rising demand

Using the principle of supply and demand to explain a specific economic phenomenon

Real estate bubble formation mechanism
——- Analysis Based on supply and demand principle and elasticity theory
Abstract: the real estate bubble is mainly caused by the increase of speculative purchase demand, and the price of real estate continues.
The real estate bubble is a typical form of the bubble economy. The particularity of the supply and demand relationship in the real estate market is the formation of real estate.
The internal foundation of bubbles is analyzed. The principle of supply and demand and elasticity theory in western economics are used to analyze the formation of real estate bubbles.
Mechanism that the increase in speculative purchase demand caused by the expectation of price rise is the driving force of house price rise in the short term
This momentum is unsustainable
In recent years, flower markets in Yunnan, Sichuan and other places have frequently burst out with sky high priced orchids,
Some small orchids that originally sold for only a few tens of yuan were hyped by investors
It can sell for millions of yuan. These orchids have no special effect,
What buyers value is not their actual viewing value, but soaring
The expected return brought by the price, at this time, the orchid has been regarded as a pure investment
Tools. It is associated with the rising house prices in recent years. Although it is in the national standard
Whether there is a bubble in the real estate industry is still controversial, but there is no doubt about it.
The city's housing prices have been abnormally high, and there is a more obvious real estate bubble.
This paper intends to use the supply and demand principle and elasticity theory in western economics to analyze the real estate bubble
The formation mechanism of foam was analyzed
First, the meaning of the real estate bubble.
The bubble in economics is the serious departure from the basic value of asset prices.
The real estate bubble refers to the increase in speculative buying demand.
The continuous rise in real estate prices caused by the increase, that is, real estate
This rise in prices is not based on the growth of real demand, but mainly
It is driven by the rapid growth of investment demand. When a real estate bubble occurs, the land is
And housing prices are rising, much higher than the market value supported by real demand,
And frequent transactions, forming a superficial false prosperity
The real estate industry is an economic field that is prone to price bubbles.
It is determined by the three characteristics of the real estate industry. First, the development of the real estate industry
The resource base is land, and land is the most scarce natural resource in modern society
It is difficult for supply to increase with the increase of demand; Second, real estate is the foundation of society
The material basis of survival and development, people's demand for real estate is with the development of economy
Development and social progress are increasing; Third, the production cycle ratio of the real estate industry
It is these characteristics that make the real estate
It is difficult to achieve a stable equilibrium between supply and demand in the market, and the price fluctuates violently
The important factors inducing the real estate bubble.
In addition, the relative value of real estate is relatively large, the transaction process is relatively standardized, and the transaction cost is relatively high
Easy places are relatively concentrated, resulting in lower transaction costs, which is the real estate market
There are many conditions for the emergence of price bubbles.
Bubble events, which typically include Japan in the late 80s of last century.
Real estate bubble, China's real estate in Hongkong, Hainan and Beihai in 90s
Bubble. It can be said that the real estate bubble is a typical form of the bubble economy.
2、 General characteristics of supply-demand relationship in real estate market
The general characteristics of housing demand include: first, as people rely on for survival and development
The material basis of development, housing is a necessity of life, therefore, people's basic needs
Housing demand is rigid and its price elasticity is small
Second, with the improvement of living standards, people are pursuing the increase of housing area
At the same time, it also has an impact on the quality, structure, decoration, safety, living environment and
Supporting facilities put forward higher and higher requirements. This kind of continuous pursuit of high-quality housing
The demand for housing will inevitably induce the corresponding housing supply. Due to the improvement of housing quality,
Even if the total amount of supply and demand remains unchanged, house prices also show a gradual upward trend
Third, due to the universal implementation of the housing mortgage loan system, there are potential buyers
Willingness to translate into real housing purchasing power often requires less current income
In other words, the effective demand of the housing market does not completely depend on the current income
Ping, with the support of the housing mortgage loan system, about 70% of the house purchase money is used
It is people's future income, and 30% of the house purchase money is accumulated by families in the past
Therefore, compared with income fluctuations, housing demand fluctuates more
Fourth, housing demand is not only consumption demand, but also investment demand
Housing is an asset. Buying housing can not only meet people's living needs, but also
Therefore, housing has the function of preserving and increasing value
Especially when inflation occurs, monetary assets shrink, physical assets increase in value, and people
They prefer to convert monetary assets into real estate, so the demand for housing purchase increases
And the housing supply is difficult to increase correspondingly in the short term, which will inevitably lead to housing shortage
House prices have risen
The general characteristics of housing supply include: first, housing supply is limited by resource conditions
Shu da. Housing construction needs land, and an area can be used for construction
Product is limited; Housing construction needs a lot of funds, and the supply of funds is limited
Restrictions on loan policy, total amount of funds, financing channels and costs; Housing construction
The facility needs steel, cement, wood and other building materials, and the building materials resources are abundant or insufficient
It has a great impact on the speed of housing supply, so resource conditions are the hard core of housing supply
Second, the cost of housing supply is closely related to differential land rent,
The housing supply cost determines the housing price, but it is the main factor that determines the housing supply cost
Element is not construction cost, but land cost, especially differential land rent and differential land
Rent is the main body of urban housing supply cost. Therefore, with the development of urban economy,
It is located in the central area of the city, the area with convenient transportation or has some unique environmental conditions
In areas (such as close to beaches, parks, schools, etc.), land scarcity intensifies and land
When rents and land prices rise, house prices will naturally rise
Third, the housing supply is restricted by the construction cycle. Because housing can not be like ordinary businessmen
In the factory, standardized and large-scale production is carried out through the assembly line,
Therefore, the housing supply lacks elasticity in the short term and can not quickly adapt to the needs of the market
Change. Compared with the lag of housing supply, housing demand is vulnerable to income and people
The impact of export and financial policies fluctuates, resulting in the decline of the housing market
The relationship between supply and demand is extremely unstable, and it is very easy for supply to fall short of demand or at a time point
A state of oversupply
The above characteristics show that the demand of the real estate market is very uncertain
The supply is relatively stable, and the supply and demand are easy to dislocation in time, which may occur at the same time
There are gross contradiction and structural contradiction, and the gross contradiction is easy to lead to large price rise
The structural contradictions will cause housing vacancy, which is the formation of the real estate bubble.
The inner foundation of the
Three, the formation mechanism of real estate price bubbles.
According to the principles of economics, most commodities follow the theorem of supply and demand, that is, in other terms
When the price of a commodity rises, the demand decreases and the supply decreases
On the contrary, if the price decreases, the demand increases and the supply decreases accordingly
Less. That is to say, the demand curve of general commodities tilts downward to the right, and the slope is negative,
In the real estate market, due to
For the purpose of pursuing the use value of housing, people's real demand for housing is different from that of ordinary businessmen
Products follow the same law, that is, in income, expectation, personal preference and many other factors
With the element unchanged, if the house price rises, the demand will decline, and under the house price
Therefore, for the real real real estate demand,
The demand curve tilts downward to the right with a negative slope
However, the demand of the real estate market not only has real housing demand, but also
There are two types of investment needs for the pursuit of value-added income, which are difficult to distinguish
Due to the special properties of real estate commodities, people often regard them as investment goods
The purpose of purchasing real estate is not only to pursue its use value, but also to pursue investment
The investment income is closely related to the expectation of rising house prices
Therefore, the real estate market often does not follow the supply and demand theorem
The market demand law of virtual assets is similar to that of real estate market
There is a positive correlation between house prices and the rising speed of house prices. When house prices rise, demand increases
The demand will increase, and when house prices fall, the demand will decrease. This is
Because the rapid rise in house prices will strengthen people's confidence that house prices will rise further
It is expected that the demand for housing as an investment product will increase rapidly at this time
The decrease in housing demand was offset by a substantial increase in investment demand, and the total demand increased
On the contrary, when the impact of some external factors leads to the decline of the rising speed of house prices
Even when house prices fall absolutely, the investment demand for housing will decrease rapidly or even become
Negative value, that is, falling house prices make some people buy for investment purposes
Housing has become a market supply, which will undoubtedly accelerate the further decline of house prices
Studying the formation mechanism of real estate price bubbles needs to take full account of supply and demand.
Elasticity in economics refers to the reaction of dependent variables to the change of independent variables
The degree of responsiveness is a relative value. The elasticity of supply and demand respectively refers to when the price follows a certain value
The ratio of changes in supply and demand caused by changes in the ratio. When the price changes
The higher the rate of change in demand and the lower the rate of change in demand indicate a lack of elasticity between supply and demand
On the contrary, it shows that supply and demand are elastic. Due to the limitation of land supply, in the short term
During the period, the housing supply is difficult to increase with the increase of market demand. Therefore, the real estate
The biggest characteristic of the real estate market is that demand is elastic and supply is inelastic
Now, in the relationship between supply and demand, the demand curve is relatively flat and the supply curve is almost vertical
Generally speaking, the economic growth rate increases, the current or expected income of residents increases
The flow of population to cities and the relaxation of mortgage conditions will lead to urban housing
The increase of real estate demand is reflected in the balance chart of supply and demand
The demand curve moves parallel to the upper right. In the short term, it is difficult for housing supply to follow
As demand increases, so when the demand curve moves up and to the right, the transaction
The quantity will not increase significantly, but the price will rise by a large margin, that is
He said that the increase in demand only caused the equilibrium price to rise
However, in the long run, the housing supply is elastic, and it can change with
Increase with the increase of demand. In a long enough period, such as ten or twenty years
In, if house prices continue to rise and the profits from investing in real estate increase, developers will
We can find ways to overcome the limitations of urban space and provide more houses to the market
For example, urban residential areas can be expanded to the suburbs, and more high-rise houses can be built,
It can also increase the density of residential buildings. In this way, the increase of supply can undoubtedly be restrained
House prices rise, so in the long run, house prices cannot always rise
In the process, although the increase rate of housing supply may be less than that of housing demand
Speed, house prices still have an upward trend. However, due to the increase of supply, it can be changed
People's expectation that house prices will rise further has led to rapid speculative demand
The decrease will inevitably lead to the loss of power in the rise of house prices and even the decline of house prices
And the real estate bubble burst.

Please explain it with economic theory economics: In response to farmers' complaints, the government agreed to buy all excess soybeans at a supporting price. Who will benefit or lose compared with the simple supporting price policy?

When the government agrees to buy, the interests of farmers are protected, but at the same time, after the price rises, part of the remaining consumers will be transferred to farmers, that is, consumers will suffer from it
Second, if the price is simply set high and not purchased, it is obvious that the supply exceeds the demand at a high price, and the quantity that can be sold in the end must be less than the equilibrium quantity. Both farmers and consumers will suffer