Microeconomic principles explain why the demand for computers continues to increase while the total price of computers continues to decline

Microeconomic principles explain why the demand for computers continues to increase while the total price of computers continues to decline

The two upstairs are really mistaken. Their children hold the wall and spit blood
In fact, for general commodities, it is correct that the continuous increase in demand leads to a rise in prices under the condition that other factors remain unchanged
However, in reality, factors such as the price of production factors and production technology are constantly changing, and labor productivity has been greatly improved. This directly leads to a significant increase in the number of computers that producers are willing and able to provide at each price level, that is, the supply curve moves down to the right, so even if the demand increases, the demand curve moves up to the right and the equilibrium point (prices) are also falling. It's not difficult to understand the picture below
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What is the role of finance

Is it national finance?
1. State finance is the material guarantee to promote social equity and improve people's life
2. National finance can promote the rational allocation of resources
3. National finance plays a role in promoting the smooth operation of the national economy
I found it in a book. I don't know if it's useful

What is the law of diminishing marginal utility? Explain the reason of diminishing marginal utility and the influence of this Law on consumer choice

Law of diminishing marginal utility: simply speaking, when a person has an increase in the number of certain items, the utility of a certain amount of items is decreasing for this person for every increase in the number of items. For example, for a hungry person, the first bowl of rice is very useful to him because he is hungry; In the second bowl, the utility decreases because the degree of hunger decreases; The third bowl, the utility continues to decrease, because the degree of hunger is less; By analogy, when he reached the tenth bowl, the utility was less, because he couldn't eat at all
Reason: the increase in the quantity of an item causes the decrease in utility
The impact on consumers' choice: the utility is reduced (i.e. the usefulness is reduced), and the usefulness is reduced. That is to say, this kind of thing is useless, and people will buy it less

Definition of economic activity

The so-called economy refers to all activities in which human beings obtain and use various means of living through labor or pay an appropriate price in order to survive under a certain social organization and order. In short, economic activities are aimed at meeting people's needs. Economic activities mainly exchange labor and other "means of production" for goods and services, Money is only the medium of transaction. Economic activities need resources, especially activity space; The spatial distribution of activities is also very important

What is the significance of LM Curve and is curve in economics, and how do they move?

LM is the curve representing the relationship between output y and interest rate r in the case of money market equilibrium
Is is the curve representing the relationship between output y and interest rate r when the commodity market is in equilibrium
Generally speaking, monetary policy makes LM Curve move, and fiscal policy makes is curve move

Priority principle of Paris Convention

Priority principle (1) the meaning of priority principle
The principle of priority in the Paris Convention refers to that an applicant who has formally filed a patent for invention, a patent for utility model, a patent for design or a trademark registration in a member state shall enjoy priority within the specified time limit if he files the same application in other member states. Any subsequent application filed in other member states of the Convention before the expiration of the specified time limit for priority of application, It shall not be invalidated by any act done by others during this period, especially another application, publication or illegal utilization of the invention, sale of design copies or use of trademarks. Such acts shall not form the rights of any third party or the rights of any individual possession. However, the rights obtained by the third party before the date of the initial application as the basis of priority, Reservations shall be made in accordance with the domestic legislation of the States members of the Convention
In other words, the same application to others during the priority period cannot grant industrial property rights. The industrial property rights are granted to the priority holder
For the owners of industrial property rights that have obtained industrial property rights in their own country and then need to be registered abroad, the principle of priority is very important. If there is no priority, they must apply in several countries at home and abroad at the same time, otherwise, the later applications may not be protected
(2) scope of application of priority principle
The priority in the Paris Convention is not applicable to all industrial property rights referred to in the Convention. It is only applicable to invention patents, utility models, designs and trademarks, but not to trade names, goodwill and names of origin
For service marks, Article 6 of the Convention stipulates that Member States shall protect service marks, but shall not require Member States to provide for the registration of such marks. This provision shows that the Convention does not take the registration of service marks as a mandatory requirement for the domestic laws of Member States. Member states may or may not provide registration protection for service marks. When providing registration protection, The state has the right to decide to apply the principle of priority to service trademarks
(3) scope of priority applicant
The Convention stipulates that an applicant or his successor who has formally filed a patent for invention, utility model, design or trademark registration in a member state shall enjoy priority when he or she files the same application in other member states of the convention within the specified time limit
It can be seen from the above that there are two types of priority applicants: those who apply for industrial property rights and their successors
(4) preconditions for applying for priority
The prerequisite for claiming priority is that an application has been formally filed in a member state. The so-called normal domestic application refers to all applications that can determine the date of submission of the application in that country, regardless of the result of the application. Any application that belongs to a normal country in accordance with the domestic law of any member state or the bilateral or multilateral treaties signed between Member States
(5) time limit for applying for priority
The time limit for priority application for invention patent and utility model is 12 months, and that for design and trademark is 6 months. The above-mentioned time limit is calculated from the date of filing the first application, and the date of filing the application is not included in the time limit. If the last day of the time limit is a legal holiday of the country requested to protect or the competent authority does not handle the application on the same day, The period shall be extended to the first working day thereafter
When an application with the same content as the first application is later filed in the same country, if the previous application has been withdrawn, abandoned or rejected, has not been provided to the public for review, has not left any undetermined rights, and has not become the basis for claiming priority, Then the subsequent application shall be considered as the first application. The date of filing shall be the starting date of the priority period, and the previous application shall not be the basis for claiming priority
If an application for a design is filed in a country according to the priority based on the application for utility model, the priority period shall be the same as that specified for the design; Priority based on invention patent application in a country is also allowed to file utility model application in a country, and vice versa. After the time limit of priority application, the time limit of application shall prevail
(6) documents to be submitted for priority application
The following documents shall be submitted in order to apply for priority:
Declaration of priority
Where priority is claimed as a result of a previously filed application, a declaration shall be made indicating the date of the application and the requested state;
Copy of previous application
Member states may require the person claiming priority to submit a copy of the previous application (specification and attached drawings, etc.). The copy shall be verified by the original application receiving authority without any other proof. Member states may also require the copy to be accompanied by a certificate and translation issued by the original application receiving authority certifying the date of application
In addition to the above procedures, the requested State may not require the applicant to go through other formalities for the declaration of priority
(7) one or more priority applications
The Convention stipulates that no member state may refuse a priority or patent application on the grounds that the applicant requests multiple priorities, even if they take place in different countries, or that the application requests one or more priorities, but one or many of them are not included in the original application on which the priority is based, As long as the above two cases are an integral part of the invention within the meaning of the law of the country. The part not included in the original application on which the priority is based shall generate the priority under normal conditions at the time of subsequent application
If it is found in the examination that a patent application contains more than one invention, the applicant may divide the application into several parts, and the original application date shall still be regarded as the date of each part of the application, and the priority interest shall be maintained. The applicant may also take the initiative to separate a patent application and keep the original application date as the date of each part of the application, Each member state shall have the right to determine the conditions for such separation. As long as these parts are clearly indicated in the overall application documents, Member States shall not refuse to grant priority on the ground that some parts of the invention requesting priority are not included in the application submitted by the country to which the invention belongs
(8) certificate and priority
In countries where the applicant has the right to choose to apply for patent certificate or inventor certificate, the applicant for inventor certificate also has priority