What is the relationship between marginal cost and average cost

What is the relationship between marginal cost and average cost

The short-term marginal cost curve is a "U" curve that decreases first and then increases. The above two characteristics can explain the relationship between short-term average cost and marginal cost: the short-term average cost curve and short-term marginal cost curve intersect in the short-term

Relationship between marginal cost and average cost

Let me tell you, if a shop sells bread, the selling method is like this, the first 10 yuan, the second 9 yuan, the third 8 yuan... And so on, that is, for each additional one, you will reduce the price by one yuan, and a person can only buy five at most, and only one at a time! At this time, the marginal cost of buying the first one is 1

What is the relationship between total cost, marginal cost, average cost and average variable cost?

Total cost refers to the sum of all costs incurred by an enterprise in the process of production and operation, including variable costs and fixed costs
Marginal cost refers to the infinitesimal change of cost to output, that is, the cost change caused by an increase or decrease of output by 1 unit
Average cost is the cost per unit of output calculated by dividing the total cost by output. It is equal to the sum of average fixed cost and average variable cost at a certain output level
Average variable cost is the cost per unit of production calculated by dividing variable cost by output
You can see that within the relevant scope, if the quantity changes by only one unit, the total cost is the average cost. At this time, the average cost is also the marginal cost, that is, the marginal cost is also a unit cost, but its quantity changes by only one unit, The quantity change of average cost is countless. Similarly, average cost includes average fixed cost and average variable cost

Calculation of marginal utility

If the total utility function Tu (q) = f (q), the marginal utility is mu = DTU (q) / DQ, that is, the partial derivative of the total utility function to the commodity quantity Q
Mu = p if Tu = PQ

A microeconomic problem on marginal utility calculation It is known that the income of consumers for X and Y commodities is 540 yuan, and the commodity prices are P1 = 20 and P2 = 30 respectively. The utility function is Tu = 3x multiplied by (the square of Y) to find the quantity and total utility of X and y when the utility is maximized

First find the budget constraint line (two intercept 540 / 20540 / 30, calculate the equation of this line by yourself), then find the tangent point (derivation) between it and the utility function, and then find the consumption combination of XY when maximizing the utility, and then substitute it into the utility function. It is recommended that LZ calculate it by itself. At least you can master this knowledge point after calculating it, and you have to study economy diligently

Microeconomics: how to understand the marginal utility formula? ① The definition formula of marginal utility is ▷ Tu / ▷ Q. for example, when I buy six apples, I divide the total utility of six apples by the quantity 6, and the marginal utility of the sixth apple is not obtained. What's the matter? Is this formula an average? ② The function of marginal utility is equivalent to the derivative of the total utility function. Shouldn't the area of the image and horizontal axis of the marginal utility function be the total effect? But when I did the problem, I found that it was wrong... = = by analogy with the speed time image, the marginal utility seems to be incomprehensible at all,

1. You'd better look at the formula of marginal utility. Mu = DTU (q) / DQ. It's possible that you haven't learned advanced numbers. Take your apple as an example. Editing utility is the utility brought to you by the last apple. This concept comes from the cardinal utility theory. Your formula ▷ Tu / ▷ Q also wants to express the meaning of the last unit