People use bridges to create many new words, such as commercial bridge, book bridge, Lianxin bridge, etc. What is the meaning of "bridge" in these words?

People use bridges to create many new words, such as commercial bridge, book bridge, Lianxin bridge, etc. What is the meaning of "bridge" in these words?

Contact, connection, etc

How to understand the law of diminishing marginal production

Law of diminishing marginal production: that is, under the condition of constant technical level, increase the input of a certain factor of production. When the input of the factor of production increases to a certain extent, the increase in output brought by adding a unit factor is decreasing
Applicable conditions: without significant changes in production technology, production factors can be divided into fixed production factors and variable production factors in the short term. When fixed production factors remain unchanged and variable production factors increase, the change of output is divided into three stages. At first, with the increase of variable production factors, due to the full utilization of fixed production factors, the marginal output increases (i.e. increased production) Then, as the fixed factors of production are close to confiscation and utilization, the increase of output caused by the increase of variable factors of production can still be positive, but the growth rate decreases. At this time, the total output is still increasing, but the speed is decreasing. Finally, when the factors of production are fully utilized, the increase of variable factors of production will make the marginal output less than zero, and the total output will be absolutely zero For example, when two ovens in a bakery are fixed and the number of workers as variable production factors increases from one to two, the marginal output and total output of bread will increase. If it increases to three workers, one worker will do chores, although the increased output of this worker is not as good as that of the second worker (the marginal output decreases) However, the total output has increased. If the fourth worker is added, the bakery will be crowded and there will be contradictions among workers, the total output will decrease. That is, it is applicable when the resource utilization rate is less than 100%

Analyzing the causes of business difficulties with economic life Use high school political knowledge to analyze the causes of business difficulties.

This is the factor that affects the success of the enterprise. In the first section of lesson 5, first, the correct business strategy is not specified. The correct business strategy can insert the wings of take-off for the enterprise, and the incorrect economic strategy will lead to business difficulties. Second, the enterprise does not rely on technological progress and scientific management to improve labor productivity. The enterprise has only just

High school politics uses the knowledge of economic life to analyze how China stimulates domestic demand

Lowering deposit and loan interest rates, sending household appliances to the countryside, unified urban planning, demolition, timely price reduction of high-end commodities such as automobiles, etc. have all played an important role in stimulating China's domestic consumption

Using the relevant knowledge of consumption, this paper analyzes the economic basis of measures to expand consumption demand

Production determines consumption. To expand consumer demand, we should fundamentally vigorously develop productive forces and increase the total economic output
Income is the basis of consumption. We should increase residents' income and increase the proportion of residents' income in national income
Prices are an important factor affecting consumption. To expand consumer demand, we must strengthen macro-control and stabilize prices
Consumer psychology is an important factor affecting consumption. Consumers should establish a correct concept of consumption

Knowledge of political and economic life in Senior High School

Lesson 1 magic money
1. What is the meaning of commodity? Basic properties of goods?
(1) meaning: goods are labor products for exchange. Goods must meet two basic conditions: first, for exchange; 2、 Labor products
(2) the basic attributes of commodities are: use value (the attribute that commodities can meet people's needs) and value (undifferentiated human labor condensed in commodities). Value is the essential attribute of commodities
2. What is the meaning of currency? The nature of money? The basic function of money?
(1) meaning: a commodity separated from a commodity and fixed as a general equivalent is money (money here refers to valuable metal money)
(2) essence: the essence of money is general equivalent. General equivalent refers to commodities that can be exchanged with all other commodities
(3) basic function: the basic function of money is the measure of value (money itself has value and is a commodity, so it can act as the function of the measure of value. The form in which money implements the measure of value is only conceptual money, not real money) and circulation means (money acts as the medium of commodity exchange. The form of currency execution and circulation means can only use real money, not conceptual money. Currency as a circulation means means means to directly buy or sell commodities with money, requiring the exchange of values between both parties during the transaction)
(4) other functions: in addition to its basic functions, currency also acts as a means of payment (means of payment refers to the situation of other payment currencies other than cash trading of goods, and it is a unilateral payment of value at the time of transaction), a storage means and a world currency
3. Money circulation law formula? Total commodity price, quantity of goods to be sold * price level
Amount of money required in circulation = number of times of money circulation = number of times of money circulation
4. Paper money and its essence? Inflation, deflation and harm?
(1) paper money is a value symbol issued by the state (or some regions) and used compulsorily. Its essence is a value symbol (it has no value itself, so it can not act as a value measure)
(2) the circulation of paper money must be limited by the amount of money required in circulation. If it exceeds this limit, inflation may occur, and if it is less than this limit, deflation may occur
Inflation is a comprehensive and continuous phenomenon of price rise in economic operation. The issuance of paper money exceeds the amount of money in circulation is one of the main causes of inflation. When inflation is rising, people's living standards will be reduced and social and economic order will be chaotic, which is not conducive to the healthy and stable development of the national economy Exhibition
Deflation is a comprehensive and continuous phenomenon of price decline in economic operation. The issue of paper money is less than the amount required in circulation is an important reason for deflation. Deflation, in the short term, price decline is conducive to the improvement of people's living standards, but in the long term, it will make it difficult to sell goods, lead to economic recession, and finally affect people's living water The improvement of the level
5. What are the settlement methods? What settlement tools do people usually use?
(1) settlement method: cash settlement; transfer settlement
(2) credit instruments: credit cards, cheques (transfer cheques and cash cheques)
6. What is the meaning of exchange rate? What is the rise and fall of foreign exchange rate?
(1) exchange rate, also known as exchange rate, is the exchange rate between two currencies
(2) if 100 units of foreign currency are converted into more RMB, it means that the foreign currency exchange rate increases and the foreign currency appreciates; otherwise, it means that the foreign currency exchange rate decreases and the foreign currency depreciates. If 100 units of local currency (RMB) are converted into more foreign currencies, it means that the local currency (RMB) exchange rate increases and the RMB appreciates; otherwise, the local currency (RMB) exchange rate decreases and the local currency (RMB) depreciates
7. Why should China keep the value of RMB stable?
(1) connotation: keep the value of RMB stable, that is, keep the overall price level stable internally and the RMB exchange rate stable externally
(2) significance: it is of great significance to the stability of people's life, the sound and rapid development of national economy, the stability of world finance and economic development
Lesson 2 changeable prices
1. What is the impact of supply and demand on prices?
(1) climate, time, regional production conditions, policies and other factors affect commodity prices by changing commodity supply and demand
(2) supply and demand are the direct factors affecting commodity prices
Short supply and high price - seller's market (market in which the seller plays a leading role and is beneficial to the seller); oversupply and low price - buyer's market (market in which the buyer plays a leading role and is beneficial to the buyer)
2. The relationship between price and value?
Value is the basis of price, and price is the monetary expression of value. The greater the value of a commodity, the higher the price; the smaller the value of a commodity, the lower the price
3. The relationship between the value and total value of goods and labor time and labor productivity
(1) the value of goods is directly proportional to the social necessary labor time and inversely proportional to the social labor productivity; the value of goods has nothing to do with individual labor time and individual labor productivity
(2) the total value of goods is directly proportional to individual labor productivity and inversely proportional to individual labor time; the total value of goods has nothing to do with social labor productivity and social necessary labor time. Total value = value × quantity
4. What is the content and form of the law of value?
The basic content of the law of value is that the amount of value of a commodity is determined by the social necessary labor time for the production of the commodity. Commodity exchange is based on the amount of value and implements equivalent exchange (equivalent exchange is expressed as equivalent exchange not in each exchange, but in the long-term average)
The manifestation of the law of value is that the commodity price fluctuates around the value under the influence of the relationship between supply and demand. The commodity price will not deviate too far from the value because the value determines the price, and the price fluctuates around the value because the supply and demand affects the commodity price
5. What impact will price changes have?
(1) impact on people's lives:
Generally speaking, when prices rise, people's demand for goods decreases; when prices fall, people's demand for goods increases
② the response degree of demand of different commodities to price changes is different. Price changes have a relatively small impact on the demand for daily necessities and a large impact on the demand for high-grade durable goods
③ the demand of consumers for a given commodity will also be affected by the price changes of relevant commodities. They are substitutes for each other (they can replace each other): the price of commodity a rises, the demand for commodity a decreases, and the demand for commodity B increases; on the contrary, complementary commodities (they can be used only when they cooperate with each other) : when the price of a commodity rises, the demand for a commodity decreases, and the demand for B commodity also decreases; otherwise, it is the opposite
(2) impact on production and operation:
① the price change urges commodity producers to adjust the production scale: commodity prices rise and expand the production scale; commodity prices fall and reduce the production scale
② urge commodity producers to improve labor productivity, shorten individual labor time for commodity production, and provide price reduction space for their products, so as to make them have more advantages in price competition
③ produce marketable high-quality products. Consumers buy goods in order to obtain the use value of goods. Goods with good quality can obtain larger market share and more profits
Lesson 3 colorful consumption
1. What are the factors affecting consumption?
Consumption is affected by many factors, mainly residents' income and price level
(1) ① residents' income is the basis and premise of consumption. The more residents' income, the higher the consumption level. Therefore, to improve residents' living standards, we must maintain stable economic growth and increase residents' income
② the consumption level of residents depends not only on the current income, but also on the expected income in the future
③ the size of people's income gap affects the overall consumption level of society. If people's income gap expands, the overall consumption level will decrease; on the contrary, if the income gap narrows, the overall consumption level will increase
(2) changes in prices affect people's purchasing power. When prices rise, purchasing power decreases; when prices fall, people's purchasing power increases
2. Type of consumption?
(1) according to the transaction mode: consumption of money and goods, loan consumption (for young people who have stable income, are optimistic about future income and do not have much savings, loan consumption is feasible), lease consumption
(2) according to different consumption objects: tangible commodity consumption and labor consumption
(3) according to the consumption purpose: consumption of means of subsistence, development and enjoyment
Loan consumption refers to the one-time payment that may exceed the payment capacity of some buyers when purchasing housing, cars and other commodities. These buyers K maliciously consider prepaying future income for consumption. Conditions:
3. The meaning of consumption structure? Influencing factors? Change trend?
(1) meaning: consumption structure refers to the proportion of various consumption expenditure in total consumption expenditure
(2) influencing factors: economic development and income change
(3) the trend of change: from survival needs to development needs and then to enjoyment needs
4. The meaning of Engel's coefficient? The influence of change?
(1) meaning: Engel coefficient refers to the proportion of food expenditure in total household expenditure
(2) ① if Engel's coefficient is too large, it will inevitably affect other consumption expenditure, especially the increase of development materials and enjoyment materials, and limit the improvement of consumption level and consumption quality
② the decrease of Engel's coefficient indicates the improvement of people's living standard and consumption structure
5. What are the main consumer psychology affecting people's consumption behavior?
(1) consumption caused by herd mentality. Whether consumers should herd or not should be analyzed in detail. Blindly herd is not advisable
(2) consumption caused by the psychology of seeking differences. Excessive innovation is not worth advocating
(3) consumption caused by comparison psychology. Comparison consumption psychology is unhealthy consumption psychology and should be opposed
(4) consumption caused by realistic psychology. Realistic consumption psychology pays attention to material benefits and selects goods according to their own needs. It is a kind of rational consumption and advocates consumption dominated by realistic consumption psychology
6. How to be a rational consumer?
(1) live within our means and consume moderately. We should consume within our own economic affordability and oppose excessive over consumption; too tight consumption will not meet people's needs, is not conducive to promoting the development of social production, and opposes lagging consumption
(2) avoid blind obedience and rational consumption. Avoid blindly following the trend, avoid emotional consumption, and avoid the tendency of focusing only on material consumption and ignoring spiritual consumption
(3) environmental protection and green consumption. Green consumption is the general name of various consumption behaviors that meet the standards of human health and environmental protection with the main purpose of protecting consumer health and saving resources. The core of green consumption is sustainable consumption
(4) diligence, thrift and hard work are an important embodiment of the socialist concept of honor and disgrace and are of great significance to personal development and the revitalization of the country and the nation
Lesson 4 production and economic system
1. The dialectical relationship between production and consumption?
(1) production determines consumption
① production determines the object of consumption. ② production determines the mode of consumption
③ production determines the quality and level of consumption. ④ production creates power for consumption