Economics: if you are a manufacturer, what inspiration does the law of diminishing marginal utility give you?

Economics: if you are a manufacturer, what inspiration does the law of diminishing marginal utility give you?

The law of diminishing marginal utility means that with the continuous increase of the number of goods, the degree of satisfaction (or utility) brought to consumers is decreasing. Therefore, I think for manufacturers, first of all, they should fully understand the consumer psychology and design goods according to different psychology to meet the needs of consumers; In addition, we should realize that only the increase of commodity quantity is not enough. We should actively carry out technological innovation and provide consumers with more new products

Why can the law of diminishing ordinal utility replace the law of diminishing marginal utility in economics?

Your question is wrong. The correct question should be why to use ordinal utility theory instead of cardinal utility theory. Because both cardinal utility theory and ordinal utility theory are based on the law of diminishing marginal utility. The two methods of consumer equilibrium condition analysis are cardinal utility theory and ordinal utility theory. Now

What is the original source of the word "Sir"? How many meanings? What are they?

1. Teacher
2. Honorific title for intellectuals and adult men with certain status
3. Call someone else's husband or call yourself your own husband (specific use: all preceded by personal pronouns or attributives; such as your husband and my husband)
He used to be called an accountant. For example, he was a gentleman in a pawnshop
5. People who used to call storytelling, face-to-face, divination, watching Feng Shui, etc. for example, Mr. Feng Shui
The name "Sir" has a long history. However, in various periods of history, the name "Sir" is aimed at different objects. The Analects of Confucius: for politics: "there is wine and food, sir needs food." note: "Sir, father and brother also." it means that if there is wine and food, you will honor your father and brother. Mencius and son: "Sir, why do you say that." this "Sir" refers to elders and learned people
In the Warring States period, the national policy said, "Sir, why sit here." they were all called virtuous elders
The first one to use "Sir" to address a teacher began in Qu Li: "from Mr. Yu, don't be polite and talk to others." note: "Sir, the old man teaches scholars." today, teachers are called "Sir"
In the Han Dynasty, the word "old" was added before "Sir"
In the early Qing Dynasty, the prime minister was called "old gentleman". After Qianlong, the title of "old gentleman" was less used in officialdom
After the revolution of 1911, the term "old gentleman" became popular again. In the communication field, people who meet each other and are mature are all called "old gentleman"
Now "Sir" is used more widely. Women also call themselves and other husbands "Sir"

How did the word "Sir" come from?

The name "Sir" has a long history. However, in various periods of history, the name "Sir" is aimed at different objects. The Analects of Confucius · for politics: "there is wine and food, sir." note: "Sir, father and brother also." it means that if there is wine and food, you will honor your father and brother. Mencius and son: "why did you say that?" this "first

I'm about to graduate. I want to say to my teacher: "----". "I also want to say to my classmates:" ---- ". (fill in ancient poems and words)

When the spring silkworm dies, the wax torch turns into ash and the tears begin to dry. Teacher
1. Don't worry that there is no confidant in the future. Who in the world doesn't know you?
2. There are bosom friends in the sea, and the ends of the world are like neighbors. Classmates

When you are about to say goodbye to the teachers and classmates you get along with day and night, what ancient poems about farewell will you think of?

Biedong Da
(Tang) Gao Shi
Thousands of miles of yellow clouds are twilight,
The north wind blew wild geese and snow
Don't worry, there are no confidants ahead,
Who doesn't know you?
Send Shaofu du to Shuzhou
[Tang Dynasty] Wang Bo
The city que is auxiliary to the three Qin Dynasties, and the wind and smoke look at the five Tianjin
Parting from you means that you are an official
There are bosom friends in the sea, and the ends of the world are like neighbors
Inaction is on the wrong side of the road, and children share the towel