What does rnzq mean R..N..Z..Q..

What does rnzq mean R..N..Z..Q..

R is a set of real numbers, representing all real numbers
N is a set of natural numbers
Z is the set of integers
Q is a set of rational numbers, including integers and fractions

How do you understand the problem of "mathematicization"

According to my personal understanding, Mathematicalization means that other disciplines, or events and phenomena in life, use mathematical means (Methods) such as probability, statistics and mathematical modeling to analyze, study and summarize, and then draw a certain law of events and phenomena, or guide other disciplines to develop research in a deeper and more regular direction
For example, the data in weather forecast, including temperature data, need to be modeled, analyzed and studied by mathematical means

What do you know about math

For example, Pythagorean tree (Pythagoras theorem)

What does the symbol A.D mean

Various meanings. It depends on what the situation is

Explain the relationship between short-term total cost, average cost and marginal cost

Short term average total cost = fixed cost + variable cost / output the fixed cost in the short term is constant, so the total cost increase caused by each unit of output is composed of the increase of variable cost, that is, the total variable cost in the short term = the sum of the corresponding marginal cost of each unit (graphically, it is the quadrature of MC curve

5. The relationship between long-term marginal cost and long-term average cost is () 5. The relationship between long-term marginal cost and long-term average cost is () (P7) A. The long-term marginal cost is greater than the long-term average cost, and the long-term marginal cost decreases B. The long-term marginal cost is less than the long-term average cost, and the long-term marginal cost decreases C. The long-term marginal cost is greater than the long-term average cost, and the long-term average cost increases D. The long-term marginal cost is less than the long-term average cost, and the long-term average cost increases

Select C. The long-term marginal cost is greater than the long-term average cost, and the long-term average cost increases