Analyzing the significance of China - ASEAN 0 tariff with economic common sense

Analyzing the significance of China - ASEAN 0 tariff with economic common sense

The significance of China ASEAN 0 tariff: first, to further improve the level of China's opening to the outside world, which is conducive to further China ASEAN economic exchanges and cooperation, the complementarity of economic advantages between the two sides, the optimization of China's industrial structure, the rational allocation of resources and the promotion of win-win; Second, the need to implement the "going out" strategy; It is not only the objective requirement of economic globalization and regional economic integration, but also the inevitable requirement of openness and competitiveness of market economy

Use high school political knowledge to explain the relationship between politics, economy and culture

Economy and politics determine culture, and culture reacts on economy. Economy is the foundation, culture is the reflection of economy and politics

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First, we should increase and second, we should be fair
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Economic life: the market has shortcomings such as spontaneity, blindness and lag. The state should strengthen macro-control in developing the market of traditional culture, use administrative means to crack down on the destruction of scenic spots and historic sites, and use legal means to legislate to protect scenic spots and historic sites. Political life: the destruction of famous scenic spots and historic sites is the dereliction of duty of the government, and our government is

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