Derivative relationship between The displacement of a particle, the velocity is the derivative of the displacement, The above words appear in the content derivative of mathematics elective 2-1 taught by senior two But I don't quite understand the relationship between them

Derivative relationship between The displacement of a particle, the velocity is the derivative of the displacement, The above words appear in the content derivative of mathematics elective 2-1 taught by senior two But I don't quite understand the relationship between them

R represents displacement, V represents velocity, a represents acceleration, T represents time... The meaning of derivative, for example, Dr / dt... There is a functional relationship between R and t Δ r/ Δ T is what high school students can understand... It means that the change of displacement in a period of time is greater than that in this period of time... That is, the average velocity... Derivative and its meaning

Evaluate a domain Example: y = x ^ 2-2x + 3, value range of - 1 ≤ x ≤ 2 I always think we should substitute - 1 and 2 directly... But it's not right. What increase interval and decrease interval are required? Why? Just tell me how to calculate it. I don't need to calculate examples. I want a general solution,

It is known that the value range of the definition field must be increased or decreased, because like the quadratic function in the example (the image of the quadratic function should be taught), you can draw a curve of the quadratic function with the opening upward. It can be seen that there is a lowest point, that is, the minimum value. The left is decreased, the right is increased, and the definition field given to you may include the X when taking the minimum value, At this time, the minimum value of the value range of the function is not the value of the function when x is equal to 2 endpoints
Let me give you a simple example. Y = x ^ 2, the minimum value on [- 1,1] is when x = 0 is the 0, not at both ends

How to find the definition domain and value domain of a given function in Higher Mathematics? Senior one compulsory (1) Chapter 2 function content

Starting from the concept of definition domain and according to the conditions of function analytical formula, the definition domain is given
The value range is obtained according to the value of the definition field

y=3X y=8/x y=-4x+5 Square of y = x - 6x = 7 The above definition fields and value fields

R R\{0}
R [- 2, + infinity)

The definition field of function y = 2arcsin (1 / x) is --, and the value field is——————

The domain of 1 / X is not equal to 0
The domain of arcsinx is

Definition domain and value domain of function y = 2arcsin (TaNx)? Function y = arccos (SiNx) (- π / 3)

(1) Y is meaningful, then - 1 ≤ TaNx ≤ 1, so the definition field is [- π / 4 + K π, π / 4 + K π], and K is an integer
The range is [- π, π]
(2) Because - π / 3 and SiNx increase on (- π / 3, π / 2) and decrease on [π / 2,2 π / 3],
Therefore - √ 3 / 2 makes t = SiNx, then - √ 3 / 2 because y = arccost is a subtractive function on (- √ 3 / 2,1),
Thus 0 ≤ y < 5 π / 6