The absolute value of X-2 divided by X-2. What is the limit when x approaches 2

The absolute value of X-2 divided by X-2. What is the limit when x approaches 2

When x approaches 2
It should be divided into left approach and right approach
If it is a left approach, that is, when x → 2 -, the L limit is - 1
If it is right approach, i.e. x → 2 +, the limit is 1

What is the limit of X divided by SiNx when x tends to 0

1, because X and SiNx are equivalent infinitesimals when x tends to 0, or it can be calculated immediately by Robida's law

The function y = the square of X-2 and the absolute value of x-3?

It is an even function
You can draw the image of x > 0 first
Then because it's an even function, just draw the other half symmetrical about the y-axis

Draw the function y = X ²/ Absolute value of X

y=x ²/| x|=|x| ²/| x|=|x|     (x≠0)
First make the image of y = x, and then turn the image below the X axis symmetrically above the X axis
According to X ≠ 0, remove the origin
The picture is upstairs. It's good!

What about the limit with absolute value?  

There are two gimmicks in this topic:
1. Absolute value
2. Yes, both numerator and denominator have 0 items, i.e. 0 / 0 type
The square difference formula is mainly used to solve the zero term in the numerator denominator,
Then we get the ordinary absolute value function, which can be substituted by x = 0

How to find the unilateral limit with absolute value That's true: limx=>-7^- (x+5)*[|x+7|/(x+7)] limx=>-7^+ (x+5)*[|x+7|/(x+7)]

= lim(x→-7-0)(x+5)*[(-1)(x+7)|/(x+7)]
= (-1)lim(x→-7-0)(x+5)
= (-1)(-7+5)
= 2,
= lim(x→-7-0)(x+5)*[(x+7)|/(x+7)]
= lim(x→-7-0)(x+5)
= (-7+5)
= -2.