N-th derivative of y = e ^ x

N-th derivative of y = e ^ x

Or y = e ^ x

Find the n-order derivative of e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2). Another definition: y = 0 when x = 0

This problem is a little different, because (0,0) can not determine whether n-order differentiable, so we must use the definition of derivative to solve it
(first, the constant (x → 0) Lim e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2) / x ^ k = 0
It is proved that when k ≤ 0, it is obviously true
k> When 0, (x → 0) Lim e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2) / x ^ k = (t →∞) Lim T ^ k / e ^ (T ^ 2) = 0, the result can be obtained by using lobida's law continuously)
The n-th derivative is represented by Y (n)
Derivative at x = 0
y(1)=lim [e^(-1/x^2)-0]/(x-0)=0
y(2)=lim 2/x^3*e^(-1/x^2)/x=0
No matter how many derivatives are obtained, the n-order derivative, when x ≠ 0, always contains e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2), so
Then the general situation
Finding n-order derivative by Leibniz formula
So get
Fourth order homogeneous linear differential equation
There is no general solution for second order homogeneous linear differential equations
Halo is generally to find the n-th derivative of a special point

Solving n-order derivative: y = e ^ ((- x) ^ (- 2)) urgent

Halo...... do this problem for the fourth time. Is it to find the n-order derivative at any point or the n-order derivative at the origin? If the latter is included, there must be y = 0 at the origin, otherwise the n-order derivative does not exist. (first, it is proved that there is always (x → 0) Lim e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2) / x ^ k = 0: when k ≤ 0, it is obvious that when k > 0, (x → 0) Lim e ^ (- 1 / x ^ 2) / x ^ k = (t →∞

Find the - x derivative of E The process must be detailed y'=e^[e^(-x)]*u'*v' How did you get here

Let y = e ^ [e ^ (- x)]
Let v = - x, u = e ^ V, t = e ^ U
= e^[e^(-x)]*u'*v'
Don't know how to ask me!

Find the derivative! Find the derivative of e ^ xcose ^ x,

This is a composite function, t = e ^ x, and the original function f (T) = tcost, then:
Derivative of F = f ` (T) × t`(x)=(cost-tsint)(e^x)=(cose^x-e^xsine^x)(e^x)

Find the derivative of derivative (x Λ (E Λ x))

y = x^(e^x)
lny = (e^x)lnx
y'/y = (e^x)lnx + (e^x)/x = (e^x)(lnx + 1/x)
y' = y(e^x)(lnx + 1/x)
= (e^x)*x^(e^x)(lnx + 1/x)