LIM (x → 0) (x + e ^ x) x ^ 1 find the limit

LIM (x → 0) (x + e ^ x) x ^ 1 find the limit

Are you sure the formula is finally a power of X?

Does the infinite power of infinity tend to infinity Such as title

It's possible. Positive infinity is to the power of negative infinity, and this situation must be infinitesimal

What is the infinite power of 1 plus infinitesimal and how to push it

Taking logarithm is the simplest way. For example, s = (1 + x) ^ (1 / x), X → 0
LNs = ln (1 + x) / x, obviously tends to 1, so s tends to E

Under what circumstances is the 1 / x power of 2 infinite and under what circumstances is it infinitesimal?

Infinity when x is greater than 0 and infinity approaches 0
When x is less than 0 and infinitely approaches 0, it is infinitesimal

The equivalent infinitesimal of the x-th power of a minus 1

Xlna a > 0 and a ≠ 1
Do you need proof?

What is the infinite power of infinity? What is the infinite power of infinity? Should we discuss positive infinity and negative infinity respectively? Or are the results the same?

The specific case of positive infinity or negative infinity is as follows:
The power of positive infinity is positive infinity
The power of positive infinity to the power of negative infinity is 0
The positive infinity power of negative infinity is negative infinity
The power of negative infinity is 0
But this is not a question of positive and negative discussion
The so-called "infinity" is not a general term of positive infinity and negative infinity, but both positive infinity and negative infinity
for instance:
Sequence an = (- 2) ^ n
When n approaches positive infinity, the limit of an is infinity - neither positive infinity nor negative infinity
Without knowing the positive and negative, the infinite power of infinity is often difficult to obtain