Is the area of an irregular figure calculated by calculus an exact value or an approximate value?

Is the area of an irregular figure calculated by calculus an exact value or an approximate value?

The limit value is also the exact value

Approximate calculation of advanced mathematics Calculate the approximate value of (1.04) to the power of 2.02!

Equal to 2 + X
X approaches 0
I don't remember Taylor's formula
Do it yourself. What a good idea

C + + calculates the approximate value of π 1-1/3+1/5-1/7+1/9-1/+... Do with while 2. Calculate the factorial of n

using namespace std;
int main()
int k=1;
double m=1,n=0,pi=0;

Let z = Y / x, x = e ^ t, y = e ^ 2T, find DZ / dt

So DZ / dt = e ^ t

Calculus... Let z = Z (x, y) be the implicit function determined by equation ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + Z ^ 2 = y * e ^ Z, and find DZ 2x/(y*e^z-2z) dx + 2y/(y*e^z-2z) dy

First derive the implicit function, DZ / DX = 2x / (y * e ^ z-2z), DZ / dy = 2Y / (y * e ^ 2-2z). DZ = DZ / DX * DX + DZ / dy * dy

Let z = e ^ (x-2y), and x = Sint, y = T ^ 3, find DZ / dt
