How to calculate the approximate value of pie?

How to calculate the approximate value of pie?

Non mathematical proof method: a simple and practical method is to measure with a ruler and find a standard ring, such as adhesive tape. You can cut a small hole in the middle of the adhesive tape with a knife, tear it off along both sides of the hole, measure its length as the circumference, and then measure the diameter of the adhesive tape

How to calculate the approximate value of π?

You can change the angle, take a piece of iron wire, measure its length, circle it into a circle, and measure its diameter. That length is the circumference of the circle, and then divide the circumference by the diameter

LIM (x → 0) sin (n-th power of x) / (n-th power of SiNx) Find the limit

X → 0, SiNx and X are equivalent infinitesimals
So SiNx ^ n and x ^ n are equivalent infinitesimals
So the original formula = LIM (x → 0) x ^ n / (SiNx) ^ n

Cos (sin negative power x) =? The value of COS (sin negative power x) is I don't think I can do it Math master help see Xie Laixian

Let t = sin to the negative power X
Then: x = sint
Cost = + - root sign (1 - (Sint) ^ 2)
=+- root sign (1-x ^ 2)
Cos (sin negative power x) = + - root sign (1-x ^ 2)

SiNx + cosx = 1 find sin n power X + cos n power X

SiNx + cosx = root 2 * sin (x + pi / 4) so sin (x + pi / 4) = root 2 / 2 so x = 2npi or x = 2npi + pi / 2 when x = 2npi SiNx = 0 cosx = 1 sin n power X + cos n power x = 1 when x = 2npi + pi / 2 SiNx = 1 cosx = 0 sin n power X + cos n power x = 1

Find the limit: LIM (x → 0) [cosx + cos ^ x + cos3 (power) x +... + Cosn (power) x] / (cosx-1), [n (n + 1)] / 2,
