It is known that Mn is the vertical bisector of line AB, and C and D are two points on Mn (1) Δ ABC, △ abd are isosceles triangles; (2)∠CAD=∠CBD.

It is known that Mn is the vertical bisector of line AB, and C and D are two points on Mn (1) Δ ABC, △ abd are isosceles triangles; (2)∠CAD=∠CBD.

It is proved that: (1) ∵ Mn is the vertical bisector of line AB, C and D are two points on Mn
That is, △ ABC, △ abd is isosceles triangle;
That is ∠ CAD = ∠ CBD

As shown in the figure, △ ABC, ab = AC = 14cm, D is the midpoint of AB, de ⊥ AB intersects AC with e at D, and the circumference of ⊥ EBC is 24cm. Find the length of BC

In △ Abe,
∵ D is the midpoint of AB, de ⊥ AB is at D and AC is at E,
In △ ABC,
And ∵ CE + be + BC = 24cm,

As shown in the figure, in the triangle ABC, ab = AC, angle a = 40 degrees, the vertical bisector Mn of AB intersects AC at point D. find the degree of angle DBC

∵ Mn is the vertical bisector of ab
﹤ abd is an isosceles triangle, i.e. ﹤ DBA = ∠ DAB = 40 °
And ∵ AB = AC, ∵ a = 40 ᙽ
∴ ∠DBC=∠ABC-∠ADB=30°

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ab = AC, ∠ a = 80 °, the vertical bisector of AB intersects the extension line of AC and the point D, and calculate the degree of ∠ DBC

In the case of ∵ AB = AC, ∵ AB = AC, ∵ a = a = 80 ∵ a = 80 ∵ a ∵ a = 80 ∵ a ∵ a = a = 80 ∵ a ∵ a ∵ am = BM ⊙ ab ⊙ MD

As shown in the figure, ab = AC in △ ABC, the vertical bisector Mn of AB intersects AC at point D. if AC + BC = 10cm, the circumference of △ DBC is______ .

∵ Mn vertical bisection AB,
The circumference of △ DBC = BC + BD + DC
So the answer is: 10cm

In the triangle ABC, ab = AC, the vertical bisector Mn of AB intersects AC at D. if AB = 10, BC = 6, calculate the circumference of the triangle DBC

Ah, since Mn is the vertical bisector of AB, we can see that ad = BD, then the circumference of DBC = BC + BD + DC = BC + AD + DC = BC + AC = 6 + AC = 6 + AB = 6 + 10 = 16

As shown in the figure, ab = AC, ∠ a = 40 °, the vertical bisector Mn of AB intersects AC at point D, and the degree of ∠ DBC is calculated

∵ the vertical bisection ab of Mn,
So the answer is: 30 degrees

As shown in the figure, in △ ABC, ∠ a = 50 °, ab = AC, and the vertical bisector De of AB intersects AC with D, then the degree of ∠ DBC is () A. 15° B. 20° C. 30° D. 25°

The solution is known, ∠ a = 50 °, ab = AC ∠ ABC = ∠ ACB = 65 °
And ∵ De is vertical and bisection ab ∵ DB = ad
Therefore, a

As shown in the figure, in the triangle ABC, ab = AC, angle a = 40 degrees, the vertical bisector Mn of AB intersects AC at point D, and calculate the degree of angle DCB

Angle DCB = 70 degrees,
You should want to know the degree of the angle DBC,
Connect to DB,
If AB = AC, angle a = 40 degrees, then: angle B = angle c = 70
Then the vertical bisection of AC by Mn can be proved; Da = dB, angle a = angle DBA = 40
Then: angle BDC = 80, and angle c = 70
Then: angle DBC = 30

As shown in the figure, given that AB is 2cm longer than AC, the vertical bisector of BC intersects AB at D, crosses BC at e, and the circumference of △ ACD is 14cm, then ab=______ cm,AC=______ cm.

∵ de bisects BC vertically,
AC + AB = 14cm
And ∵ AB-AC = 2cm,
Let AB = xcm, AC = YCM
According to the meaning of the title, we get
x−y=2 ,
The solution
The length of AB is 8cm and that of AC is 6cm