How much is a double root 12 times a quarter root 3 divided by a 5 times root 2 I'm stuck in this problem. Who can help me?

How much is a double root 12 times a quarter root 3 divided by a 5 times root 2 I'm stuck in this problem. Who can help me?

((2√12) *(√3/4))/(5√2)
The title should be like this
=((√12 *√3)/2)/(5√2)
=6/2/ (5√2)
= 3/(5√2)
Root sign

What is the square of the root sign (three minus π),

The radical (3 - π) 2 = | 3 - π|,
Because 3 - π < 0,
So the original formula = π - 3

How many degrees of sin equals root 2 As the title How to simplify the radical 2cosx radical 2sinx?

Not in the domain of sine function

If sin α + cos α = radical 2, then the value of sin α - cos α is equal to?

Sin α + cos α = radical 2
(sin α + cos α) squared = 2
(sin α - cos α) square = 0

(4 root sign 2-3) △ 2 root sign 2 is equal to what? ﹙4√2-3﹚÷2√2

(4 root numbers 2-3)
=2-3 △ 2 root sign 2

2 times root 3-4 times root 3 equals

=8 / 4 root sign 3 minus 2 times root sign 3
=6 times root 3
=Three times the root 3

One third of the number 24 is equal to 18 As above


What is 8 π - 6 times the root three of 24

8 π - 6 times root 3
=Three parts π - 6 times root sign three

What is the square of 3 minus the square of 1 under the root sign

Under root sign (square of 3 minus square of 1)
=Root 8
=2 root sign 2

What is the square minus π of 3 minus π equal to
