It is known that: X and y are opposite numbers to each other, a and B are reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of C is equal to 5, - 3 is a square root of Z, ab-x, C? Z-Y are obtained

It is known that: X and y are opposite numbers to each other, a and B are reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of C is equal to 5, - 3 is a square root of Z, ab-x, C? Z-Y are obtained

It is known that XY is opposite to each other, AB is reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of C is equal to 5, - 3 is a square root of Z, and the value of ab-x + C 2 + Z-Y is calculated
From the meaning of the title:
ab=1,x+y=0,c^2=25 Z=(-3)^2=9

Given that x, y are opposite numbers to each other, a and B are reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of C is equal to 2, - 3 is a square root of Z. find the values of X, y, C, a, B, Z

x. If y is the opposite number to each other, then x? - y? = 0, the absolute value of C is 2, C? = 2? = 4,
-3 is the greater square root of Z, z = (- 3) 2 = 9, and the root number is Z = 3
a. B is reciprocal of each other, ab = 1, root sign AB = 1
X ^ - y ^ 2 + C ^ 2 / AB radical z = (0 + 4) / (1-3) = - 2

It is known that the absolute value of x minus one plus the square of Y minus 2 plus the square root of Z + 3 is equal to 0. Find the square root of XY + Z 2

|x-1| + (y-2)^2 + √(z+3) = 0
Because the absolute value, square and root sign cannot be negative, and the sum of the three is 0
|x-1| = (y-2)^2 = √(z+3) = 0
So x = 1, y = 2, z = - 3
So √ (XY + Z?) = √ 11

It is known that AB is opposite to each other, CD is reciprocal to each other, the absolute value of M is 2, (find the absolute value of a + B / the square of 2m + 1) + the value of 4m-3cd?

|If M | = 2, then M = ± 2, so m 2 = 4
So the original formula = | 0| / (2 × 4 + 1) + 4 × (± 2) - 3
Or = 8-3 = 5

It is known that AB is opposite to each other, CD is reciprocal to each other, and the absolute value of M is 2. Find the value of the square CD of a + B + m divided by a + B + M

=3 + 3 / 2B (a is negative, M is negative or a is positive, M is negative)
=3 + 1 / 2B (a is negative, M is positive)
=3-1 / 2A (a is positive, M is positive)
= 0 (both a and B are 0)
This is probably what it looks like

1. If the real numbers a and B are opposite to each other, C.D is reciprocal to each other, and the absolute value of M is 2, find the value of the square root of a + B divided into the square root of M + m and the square root of CD 2. Comparison of size: ① root 7 and root 5; ② Half Root 5-1 and 1

1. If the real numbers a and B are opposite to each other,
c. D is reciprocal to each other,
The absolute value of M is 2,
The square root of a + B is divided into the square root of M + m - the value of the square root of CD
2. Comparative size: ① root 7 and root 5;
② The root of the half is 5-1 and 1
It's my pleasure to answer your questions and skyhunter 002 to answer your questions
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Given that a, B, C, D, e, f are real numbers and a, B are reciprocal numbers, C and D are opposite numbers to each other, the absolute value of E is √ 2, and the arithmetic square root of F is 8, The value of + 2 A + 2 A / B + 1 / D is obtained

Given the real numbers a, B, C, D, e, F and a, B are reciprocal of each other,
c. D is opposite to each other,
The absolute value of E is √ 2,
The arithmetic square root of F is 8,
Value of 1 / 2Ab + (c + D) / 5 + E 2 + 3 √ f
=6 and 1 / 2

If the real numbers a and B are opposite to each other, C and D are reciprocal to each other, and M is the square root of 9 Find the value of the square of (- radical a + b) + (cube root of CD) + (m-1)

Because a and B are opposite numbers to each other, a + B = 0
Because C and D are reciprocal of each other, CD = 1
Because m is the square root of 9, M = 3 or - 3
1) When m = 3, the square of (- radical a + b) + (cube root of CD) + (m-1) = 0 + 1 + 4 = 5
2) When m = 3, the square of (- radical a + b) + (cube root of CD) + (m-1) = 0 + 1 + 16 = 17
Hope to adopt!

Real numbers a and B are opposite numbers, C and D are reciprocal numbers. The absolute value of X is the square heel of 2. What is the square root of X + (a + B + CD) x + the square root of a + B + CD?

By title
X = positive and negative root 2
X ^ 2 + (a + B + CD) x + under root sign (a + b) + cube root CD
=2 + (root sign 2)

If the absolute values of x-2y + 8 and 2x + 4 are opposite to each other, then X-Y = ()

The absolute values of roots x-2y + 8 and 2x + 4 are not negative
So if they are opposite to each other, they must all be 0
So x = - 2, y = 3