How much is root 18 times Radix 20 times Radix 75?

How much is root 18 times Radix 20 times Radix 75?

Radix 18 * Radix 20 * Radix 75
=Radical (18 * 20 * 75)
=Radical (9 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 25 * 3)
=Radical (9 * 4 * 25 * 30)
=Radical (3 ^ 2 * 2 ^ 2 * 5 ^ 2 * 30)
=(3 * 2 * 5) root 30
=30 pieces

Multiply Radix 18 by Radix 20 and multiply by Radix 75

Multiply Radix 18 by Radix 20 and multiply by Radix 75

Real number special topic test 3 Calculation: - 1 / 3 root number 3 + 1 / 2 root number 2-1 / 5 root number 5 (the result is accurate to 0.01)

-1 / 3 root sign 3 + 1 / 2 root sign 2-1 / 5 root sign 5 = - root sign 3 / 9 + root sign 2 / 4 - root sign 5 / 25 is about - 1.732 / 9 + 1.414/4-2.236/25 is about 0.192 + 0.3535-0.089 is about 0.63

How to simplify 9-4 Radix 5,

So the original formula = √ 5-2

High school mathematics: under the root sign [5 / 2 + 9 / 4-5)], what are the specific steps to simplify this problem?


Root 5 / 9 * Radix 18 =? Simplify (main process) Radix 14 (Radix 7 * Radix 8) =? Simplify (main process)

(1) The first question is not very clear if it is: √ (5 / 9) * √ 18 = √ 5 / 3 * 3 √ 2 = √ 10 if it is: (5 * √ 18) / √ 9 = (5 * 3 √ 2) / 3 = 5 √ 2, you can see for yourself the one (2) (√ 7 * √ 8) / √ 14 = √ 56 / √ 14 = 2 √ 14 / √ 14 = 2

Simplification: √ (9 + 4 √ 5) + √ (9-4 √ 5) let me repeat: under the root sign (9 + 4 times the root sign 5) + under the root sign (9-4 times the root sign 5)

Let x = √ (9 + 4 √ 5) + √ (9-4 √ 5)
Then: x ^ 2 = [√ (9 + 4 √ 5) + √ (9-4 √ 5)] ^ 2
So: x = √ 20 = 2 √ 5

What is the value of trigonometric function (COS, sin, tan), radian or angle?

X in the value cosx is a radian. Radian and angle are the same things that are expressed in different ways
You know what it is with the unit circle

What are the values of several special angles of sin, cos and tan? It's sin 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees Cos 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees Tan 30 degrees 45 degrees 60 degrees 90 degrees 180 degrees 270 degrees 360 degrees

30 degrees one half
The root of 45 degrees
60 degrees two thirds root sign three
90 degrees is one, of course
180 degrees 0
270 degrees - 1
360 degree 0
30 degrees two thirds root sign three
The root of 45 degrees
60 degrees one half
90 degrees 0
180 degrees - 1
270 degrees 0
360 degrees 1
30 degrees three thirds root sign three
45 degrees 1
60 degree radical three
90 degrees positive infinity
180 degrees 0
270 degrees positive infinity
360 degree 0

When the angle is 0, 90, 180, 270 and 360 degrees, what are the values of radians, sin, cos and tan?

0 arc degree: 0; sin = 0; Cos = 1; Tan = 0;
90 radian number π / 2; sin = 1; Cos = 0; Tan No
180 radian number π; sin = 0; Cos = - 1; Tan = 0;
270 radians 3 π / 2; sin = - 1; Cos = 0; Tan No
360 radian 2 π; sin = 0; Cos = 1; Tan = 0