How to use the number axis to express the fifth quarter of the root?

How to use the number axis to express the fifth quarter of the root?

1. First, draw a right angle side, and cut off one or two length units on the right angle side, and the intercept points are a and B points;
2. The length of connecting point a and B is √ 5, and then bisecting line AB is √ 5 / 2

How to express Radix 5 on number axis

Make a vertical line through X = 2, cut a line with length of 1 on the vertical line, connect the origin and the point, according to the Pythagorean theorem, the length of the line is the root 5, and then cut the root 5 on the number axis with the origin as the center

The number axis represents 5 / 4 of the root How to express 5 / 4 on a number axis? It's a root! A root! A 5 / 4! Not a 5 / 4!

"Mirage flying star"
On the X and Y axes, take points a and B with a ratio of 1:1 / 2 respectively, and the values of AB and ab are √ (5 / 4)
For example, point a (1, 0), point B (0, 1 / 2)
You're right. Good bye

According to the Pythagorean theorem, the points expressed as root 3 and root 5 are respectively drawn on the number axis

You first draw a number axis, take the origin as P, and make a vertical line y passing through point P, so that points 1, 2, 3 and 4 are ABCD respectively. Use a compass to intercept PA '= PA on the vertical line y, connect AA', and then intercept PB '= AA' = root sign on the vertical line y. 2. Connect ab ', and ab' = root 3. Similarly, you can intercept PC '= ab' on the vertical line y, and then connect BC ', and then BC' = root number, Then you can draw the root 3 and root 5 on the number axis
I hope you can follow my train of thought

(2 times root 40 minus 3 times root 27) divide by root 6


4.2 the absolute value of the root sign 2 minus 3 times the absolute value of the root sign 2 times the root sign 2 divided by one third of the root sign

Because 4.2 < 3 times root number 2,
So the absolute value of root number 2 of 4.2 minus 3 times is equal to 3 times of root number 2 minus 4.2,
The following "divided by one third of the root" is equal to multiplying by the root 3,
So this part of the subtraction is 3 times the root 2,
This will result in - 4.2

1: Root six divided by root twenty-seven times root fifty-two: root three minus root six difference times root six two-thirds 3: dispatch minus five 1: Root six divided by root twenty-seven times root fifty 2: The difference between the root three minus the root six times the root six plus two-thirds of the root 3: The zero power of subtraction five minus two minus the absolute value of root seven plus one-third of the minus second minus root seven

10 / 3,

What is the value of arccos 〔 (Radix 6-radix 2) / 4] (accurate to 0.0001)

Cos150 degree = 2 (cos75) ^ 2-1 = - √ 3 / 2
So cos75 = (√ 6 - √ 2) / 4
So arccos (√ 6 - √ 2) / 4 = 5 π / 12 = 1.3090

What angle is Tan radical 2:2-

It's about 35 degrees and 16 minutes

Calculate Tan [(1 / 2) arccos (- 2 root sign 6 / 5)] -2 radical 6 is a molecule

Let a = arccos (- 2 * 6 ^ (1 / 2) / 5)