Compare the size of root 5 plus root 7 and root 6 times root 2,

Compare the size of root 5 plus root 7 and root 6 times root 2,


The size of root number 6, root number 5 and root number 7 were compared

Simultaneous square of both sides
2 squares of 6 = 24
The square of root 5 + root 7 = 12 + 2 roots 35
Subtract 12 from both sides and divide by 2 to make 6 and root 35 respectively
6 is greater than root 35, so the former is greater than the latter

What's 25 / 2 + 32 equals


How much is root 2 plus root 32? Can you be more specific?


Calculation: (root 24 + root 6 / 1) / root 3

Equal to (5 / 2) root 2, the calculation process is divided by root 3 and then calculated

Calculate the root 24 times (2 / 3 of the negative root + 5 / 6 of the triple root + 5 / 6 of the root + 5)

√24 × ( - √(2/3) + 3√(5/6) + √5)
= 2√6 × ( -√6/3 + (3√30)/6 + √5)
= (-2√6√6)/3 + (2√6√30)/2 + 2√6√5
= (-2×6)/3 + 2√30 + 2√30
= 4(√30-1)

Evaluation: 1 / 16-1 / 25 - (1 / 16-1 / 25) It's due tomorrow,


What is the value of the root 25 / 16


-What is the root sign (1-16 of 25)

-Radical (1-16 of 25)
=-Radical (9 / 25)

Radical (1 / 16-1 / 25)

All points
Original formula = √ (9 / 400)
=3 / 20