How to understand the 220 V 2.5 [10] a 50 Hz 1920r / kWh on the meter

How to understand the 220 V 2.5 [10] a 50 Hz 1920r / kWh on the meter

1920r / kWh refers to 1920 turns of the meter, indicating that the electric appliance has used 1 kwh
I think it should be active power, because this watt hour meter is likely to be a civil watt hour meter, not a reactive watt hour meter. Others agree with "good heart and good eye 008", he said in detail
What is Hz? What is a? What does 10 (40) 220 V, 50 Hz, 1600 imp / kWh mean
1) 2) a is the unit of current; 3) the 10 (40) 220 V 50 Hz 10 (40) 1600 imp / kwh in the meter is: the basic current is 10 A, while the 40 in brackets is the rated current, and can work for a long time; 220 V is the voltage of commercial power; 1600 imp / kWh is the electronic energy meter, Each kilowatt hour meter makes 1600 pulses
How many watts can the meter use? 600 watts is OK?
The electric meter is 220 V 10 (20) a, 50 Hz 600 R / kW. H single-phase mechanical electric meter, the air switch is 32 A, and the line is 2.5 square meters. Can the line hold 6000 w electrical appliances
The electricity meter is 220 V 10 (20) a, 50 Hz 600 R / kW. H single-phase mechanical electricity meter, the air switch is 32 A, and the line is 2.5 square meters. Can 6000W electrical appliances be installed? If the line is changed to 4 square meters?
I remember power P = UI
According to this formula, if your 6000W appliance works under the voltage of 220V, the current passing through it should be 27.3a
But now the rated maximum current of your meter is only 20a, which is far beyond
Even if you change a larger line, as long as it exceeds the maximum current of the meter, it still can't be used;
The above is for reference only,
Non electrical major
The indicator light of the meter flashes once in 23 seconds, and the meter specification is 50 Hz 220 V 5 (20) a 3200 imp / kW. H
How long does one degree of electricity last!
I use air conditioner! I drive 27 degrees!
23 * 3200 = 73600 seconds, 73600 / 3600 is about 20 hours. You don't use much power now. It takes 20 hours to generate electricity. The current power is about 50 watts
The load is small, 3200 is flashing, 3200 times with a degree of electricity, with high-power electrical appliances flash fast.
Your air conditioner is too power efficient, isn't it
Absolute trigonometric inequality problem (velocity)
If the real number x satisfies log3 (x) = 1 + Sina, what is the value of absolute value X-1 + absolute value X-9?
How to solve the problem
X = 3 ^ (1 + Sina), Sina belongs to [- 1,1]
Therefore, | X-1 | + | X-9 | = X-1 + 9-x = 8
Let {an} be an arithmetic sequence with A5 = 14 and A7 = 20. The sum of the first n terms of {BN} is Sn = (1 / 3) n (n)
The tolerance is (a7-a5) / 2 = 3,
The topic is endless.
? I'm not finished
It seems that this topic is incomplete
It is proved that cos α (COS α - cos β) + sin α (sin α - sin β) = 2Sin square (α - β) △ 2
It is proved that the left = (COS α) ^ 2-cos α cos β + (sin α) ^ 2-sin α sin β
=2 {sin [(α - β) / 2]} ^ 2 = right
The equation is proved
= -X+2X²+5+4X²-3-6X
= -7X+6X²+2
Trigonometric inequality of absolute value in mathematical problems
To prove | x + (1 / x) | ≥ 2 with 2 methods
Square a, | x + (1 / x) | = | (x Λ 2 + 1) / X | ≥ 2x × 1 / X (basic inequality) = 2, the original formula is proved
Square B, ∵ x, 1 / X have the same sign, | x + (1 / x) | = | x | + | 1 / X | ≥ 2 √ (| x | ×| 1 / X |) = 2