What do electric fish and volt battery mean

What do electric fish and volt battery mean

Electric fish and volt battery
There are many creatures in nature that can produce electricity. There are more than 500 species of fish alone. These fish that can discharge electricity are collectively referred to as "electric fish"
Electric rays, electric catfish and electric eels are the most powerful. Medium sized electric rays can produce a voltage of about 70 V, while African electric rays can produce a voltage as high as 220 V; African electric catfish can produce a voltage of 350 V; electric eels can produce a voltage of 500 v. one kind of South American electric eels can produce a voltage as high as 880 V, which is the champion of electric shock, It is said that it can kill big animals like horses
What's the secret of electric fish's discharge? Through the anatomical study of electric fish, we finally found that there is a kind of peculiar electric generating organ in the body of electric fish. These electric generators are made up of many translucent disc-shaped cells called electric plates or electric discs. Due to different types of electric fish, the shape, position and number of electric plates of electric generators are different, It is located in the muscles on both sides of the tail spine; the electric generator of ray is like a flat kidney, which is arranged on both sides of the midline of the body, with a total of 2 million electric boards; the electric generator of catfish originates from a certain gland, which is located between the skin and muscle, with about 5 million electric boards. The electric voltage generated by a single electric board is very weak, but because there are many electric boards, the generated voltage is very large
In the early 19th century, Italian physicist Volta designed the world's earliest voltaic battery based on the electric fish's power generating organ. Because this battery was designed according to the electric fish's natural generator, it was called "man-made electrical officer", It also enlightens people that if we can successfully imitate the electricity generating organs of electric fish, then the power problems of ships and submarines can be well solved
This is mainly about bionics, that is, people invented the volt battery according to the principle of electric fish. Specific articles are as follows:
Electric fish and volt battery
There are more than 500 kinds of biological energy in nature. People call these electric fish.
All kinds of electric fish have different discharging ability. The highest discharge ability was found in ray, catfish and eel. Medium sized skates can produce about 70 volts, while African skates can produce as much as 220 volts; African catfish can produce 350 volts; electric eels can produce 500 volts
This is mainly about bionics, that is, people invented the volt battery according to the principle of electric fish. Specific articles are as follows:
Electric fish and volt battery
There are many creatures in nature that can generate electricity, and there are more than 500 species of fish alone. People call these electric fish.
All kinds of electric fish have different discharging ability. The highest discharge ability was found in ray, catfish and eel. Medium sized electric rays can produce about 70 volts, while African electric rays can produce as much as 220 volts; African electric catfish can produce 350 volts; electric eels can produce 500 volts. One kind of South American electric eels can produce as much as 880 volts. It is said that it can kill big animals like horses.
What's the secret of electric fish discharge? After the anatomical study of electric fish, we finally found that there is a kind of strange power generating organ in the body of electric fish. These generators are made up of many translucent disc-shaped cells called electric boards or discs. Due to the different types of electric fish, the shape, position and number of electric boards of the generator are different. The electric eel's generator is prismatic, located in the muscles on both sides of the tail spine; the electric ray's generator is like a flat kidney, arranged on both sides of the body's midline, with a total of 2 million electric boards; the electric catfish's generator originates from a certain gland, located between the skin and muscle, with about 5 million electric boards. The voltage generated by a single electric board is very weak, but because there are many electric boards, the voltage generated is very large.
This extraordinary skill of electric fish has aroused people's great interest. In the early 19th century, Italian physicist Volta designed the world's earliest voltaic battery based on the model of electric fish's power generating organ. Because this kind of battery is designed according to the natural generator of electric fish, it is called "man-made electrical officer". The research on electric fish also enlightens people that if we can successfully imitate the power generating organs of electric fish, then the power problems of ships and submarines can be well solved.
The term bionics was coined by Steele in 1960 according to the Latin "BIOS" and the suffix "NLC" Of the nature of. He believes that "bionics is the study of systems science that imitates biological systems, or has the characteristics of biological systems, or works in a way similar to biological systems.". Although human beings are constantly receiving new enlightenment from the biological world in the evolution of civilization, the birth of bionics is generally marked by the holding of the first National Symposium on Bionics in 1960.
The research scope of bionics mainly includes: mechanical bionics, molecular bionics, energy bionics, information and control bionics, etc.
Mechanical bionics is to study and imitate the static properties of the gross structure and fine structure of the organism, as well as the dynamic properties of the relative motion of the various components of the organism in the body and the motion of the organism in the environment. For example, the long-span thin shell building imitates the shell structure, and the column imitates the femur structure, which can not only eliminate the stress concentration area, but also use the least building materials to bear the maximum load. In the military, it imitates the groove structure of dolphin skin and applies the artificial dolphin skin bag on the hull of the ship, which can reduce the navigation speculation and improve the speed;
Molecular bionics is to study and simulate the catalysis of enzymes, the selectivity and permeability of biofilms, and the analysis and synthesis of biomacromolecules or their analogues. For example, after understanding the chemical structure of sex attractant hormone of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar), a similar organic compound was synthesized, which can be used to trap and kill males in the field cage with one millionth of a microgram;
Energy bionics is to study and imitate the energy conversion process in organisms, such as bioluminescence, muscle directly converting chemical energy into mechanical energy;
Information and control bionics is the research and Simulation of sensory organs, neurons and neural networks, as well as intelligent activities of high-level central nervous system. For example, the "autocorrelation velocimeter" based on the optokinetic response of weevil can measure the landing speed of aircraft. According to the working principle of retinal side inhibition network of Limulus complex eye, some devices have been developed which can enhance the image contour and enhance the contrast, thus contributing to the detection of blurred targets. More than 100 kinds of neuron models have been established, and a new type of computer has been constructed on this basis.
Imitating the human learning process, a machine called "perceptron" is manufactured. It can learn by training and changing the weight of the connection between components, so as to realize pattern recognition. In addition, it also studies and simulates the control mechanisms in biological systems such as homeostasis, motion control, animal orientation and navigation, and the bionics of human-machine system.
In some literatures, the part of molecular bionics and energy bionics is called chemical bionics, and the part of information and control bionics is called neural bionics.
Bionics has a wide range, information and control bionics is a major field. On the one hand, due to the development of automation to intelligent control, and on the other hand, due to the development of biological science to such a stage, the study of brain has become the biggest challenge to neuroscience. The bionics of artificial intelligence and intelligent robot research -- the research of biological pattern recognition, the research and Simulation of brain learning and memory and thinking process, the reliability and coordination of control in organism, etc. - are the main research areas of bionics.
Control is closely related to information bionics and biological cybernetics. Both of them study the control and information process in biological system and use the model of biological system. However, the purpose of the former is mainly to construct practical man-made hardware system, while the biological cybernetics seeks to explain biological behavior from the general principles of cybernetics and the theory of technological science.
The most extensive use of analogy, simulation and model methods is the outstanding feature of bionics research methods. Its purpose is not to copy every detail directly, but to understand the working principle of biological system, with the realization of specific functions as the central purpose. Generally speaking, there are three related aspects in bionics research: biological prototype, mathematical model and hardware model. The former is the foundation, the latter is the purpose, and the mathematical model is an indispensable bridge between them.
Due to the complexity of biological system, it takes a long period of research to understand the mechanism of a biological system, and it requires close cooperation of many departments for a long time to solve practical problems, which is the main reason limiting the development speed of bionics. Put it away
The physical meaning of 220 volts and 900 watts (electricity)
220 V refers to the voltage of 220 v. if it is general household electricity, it refers to the limited voltage value of AC. if it is DC, it refers to the actual voltage value
900 watts refers to the power of electricity, that is, the work of electricity per unit time is 900j
Volt is the voltage, and 220 volt is the voltage of household electricity. Watt is the power, indicating the speed of electrical work. 900 watt is equivalent to the speed of an electrical appliance working at 220 V 4.09 a.
220 volts is the voltage, the potential energy. Just like where water is, it represents the potential energy of electricity.
900 watts is electrical energy, the work done by electricity. Just like the work left by the high water level just now. It's an expression of energy.
Please accept if you are satisfied, thank you!
What does electron volt mean?
It is the weak voltage between two electron layers in the atomic shell. The voltage between a gap is equal to one unit electron volt (1eV). It is also approximate to the energy required for an electron to move from one energy level to another
How many batteries do you need for a few hours of 220 V 5000 W power
It doesn't work
The resistance of an electric furnace is 48.4 ohm. When it is connected to 220 V, what is the current passing through?
This is 544.544 A / 544 a
There are two lamps of "220 V 200 W" and "220 V 100 W", which are connected in series to the 220 V lighting circuit, then the ratio of the current passing through the two lamps is 0____ What is the ratio of the resistance of the two lamps____ What is the voltage ratio between the two ends of the lamp_____ What is the power ratio of the two lights____ .
There are two lamps of "220 V 200 W" and "220 V 100 W", which are connected in series to the 220 V lighting circuit, then the ratio of the current passing through the two lamps is 0__ 1:1__ What is the ratio of the resistance of the two lamps__ 1:2__ What is the voltage ratio between the two ends of the lamp__ 1:2___ What is the power ratio of the two lights_ 1:2___ .
Because the resistance ratio: R1 / r2 = P2 / P1 = 100 / 200 = 1 / 2
How many wires and how to calculate the power consumption of 100 kW? It will be paid tomorrow, and it will be calculated tonight
It has 263.25a line current and 151.93a phase current. If it is three-phase, it uses 120mm square current
There is a relationship between the resistance R, power P and voltage of a household appliance. P is equal to u divided by R. if the power of a household appliance is 100 W, the resistance is 484